Chapter 19: I'll Never Forget

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He never said he didn't want to see me again but I knew he didn't.

He never said he wouldn't tell Amy and Grace but I knew he wouldn't. I would have to.

He never said I had to leave his house but I knew I should have.

I should have said something but all I did was stand outside his door staring at it. I didn't move until I heard his mother behind me.

"Sweetheart? Are you OK?"

I turned to her with tears in my eyes "Yea I'm fine"

She smiled at me. It looked genuine, not like all the smiles she flashes on TV. "Would you like to join me for some hot chocolate? I know it's not exactly winter but it wouldn't hurt to drink some".

I knew I should if shook my head but I nodded it instead.

I sat at the kitchen counter, tapping my fingers and swinging my legs cause of the high chairs. She stood opposite of me leaning on the counter smiling,not saying a word. She looked so normal in her big T-shirt and Pajama bottom. I was used to seeing her in suits and she honestly looked out of place.

The kettle whistled causing her to take her eyes off me. I sighed in relief. Her stare was becoming uncomfortable.

She made the hot chocolate and passed it to me in a white mug. She sipped hers twice and went back to staring at me.

"I should probably go now?" I said.

"Why? You didn't even take a sip".

I took a small sip and started to get up. "OK thank you. I'm going to go now."

Instead of replying, she started to laugh.

"You're funny Sophie. I can tell you are friends with my son."

"Were friends" I thought to myself.

"Come. Sit." She said after taking a seat on one of the high chairs in front of the counters.

I sat on the chair hesitantly hoping Anthony is too upset with me to leave his room.

"Tell me. Do you like my son?"

"Yea of course. I love him"

"Oh. I wasn't sure if he was dating you or Grace"

I started to choke on air after she finished her sentence.

"Oh my gosh. Are you OK?" She asked her voice filled with concern.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. It's just that me and Anthony. We're not...we're just... I love him like a brother Mrs. West."

"Oh OK. So Grace is the one he likes. Thank you for clarifying"

I thought back to when he said "Victor was stealing his girl". Did he mean Grace?

I smiled up at her glad that was out the way. " Look Mrs. West. I wish you had met me at a time when Anthony actually like me. He hates me now and I should just leave before it gets worse."

"No such thing. This is my house and right now you're my guest so you'll be fine."

I tried to smile at her but failed.

"So why would my son hate you that much?"

"I lied to him. Actually I didn't lie. I just didn't tell him the truth."

"About?" She asked curiously.

"About who am I, I guess"

"Who are you then?"

"I'm Sophie..."

She laughed causing me to stop.

"No. I meant when you aren't pretending, who are you?"

"I'm a traitor. Liar. Two-faced. Messed up. I'm... I'm sorry. That's who I am."

"No Sophie. That's not who you are."

"What do you mean?"

"Whenever Grace and Amy are over all they talk about is you. They say you're hilarious, caring, smart and one of their best friends"

"They're not the only who say that. I think that too" I turned to see Anthony standing at the doorway of the kitchen. His mother got up and said that she'll see me later.

"What are you still doing here Sophie?" He asked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Your mom lured me in with hot chocolate" I said raising my mug.

He chuckled before saying "She does that a lot with my friends"

"I'm sorry Anthony. You should have never have found out about the targets"

"But I did".

We stared at each other for a while before I finally got the courage to speak up again "How did you find out?"

"I was looking for you and saw your two friends. They were whispering but we're still really loud. They about how they wanted you back. That this target plan with me, Amy and Grace was getting out of control. That you got what you wanted and should give up."

"It started fake. It really did but then I really hung out with you guys and found out that you weren't stuck up like the popular people on TV or in books. Our friendship was real. I just wanted you to know that. I'm really sorry. I'll just go now".

I stood there, hoping he would tell me apology accepted or its all in the past or something. When he said nothing I started to walk away.

"You have to tell them and soon before I do." He said

The last thing I heard before closing the front door was "I forgive you but I'll never forget."

A/N I'm sorry I love Anthony and Sophie's relationship too much for them to be fighting for long.

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