Chapter 26: Oh Thank Gosh!

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"Are you sure this doesn't happen a lot?"
"Yea it hasn't happened since the eighth grade."

"Yea. Hey, wasn't the last time when you two went through that dusty short cut?"

I shuffled around on my bed before prying my eyes open and blinking to get it adjusted to the light.

Amy sat at the edge of my bed texting while Victor and Anthony stood at my door way and Grace, Wendy and Nicole stood on the left side of my bed. Amy was the first to notice me awake.

"Hey. Finally she woke up." She said before hopping off my bed to slap her palm on my forehead. I yelped in protest.

"Nope. Not sick."

I shook my head in disbelief at not only Amy hitting me but all of them in my bed room.

"What happened?" I asked. "What are you guys doing here?"

"You had an asthma attack. We were just making sure you're okay." Grace said softly.

"Thanks but I don't have asthma anymore."

Now Grace shook her head in disbelief. "Your type doesn't just go away but don't worry I told your mom all you need is fresh air."

I turned to face her and smiled "You'll make a great doctor one day."

She blushed at my comment before saying "Thank you. Alright guys let's go. She needs fresh air."

She walked over to Anthony and he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and she leaned into him before they walked out together with Amy following behind them.

Victor came on the right side of my bed, kissed my forehead and said his goodbye.

"Wait. Nicole and Wendy, don't go."

They stopped walking and looked back at me.

"Why?" They asked in unison causing me to smile.

"I'm sorry. This was never supposed to happen. This- You guys were never supposed to be abandon. I was so caught up in La-la land that I didn't stop to think how you guys would of felt. Didn't stop to think that I needed you more than I thought." I felt a single tear run down my cheek. "I need you guys."

They looked at each other and Wendy opened her mouth to say something but not before my dad interrupted and wheeled into my room.

"Hey Soph. Your friends told me you were awake."

"Dad?" I asked making sure I'm not hallucinating.

"Yea Soph?"

"Oh ok. What are you doing home?"

"I thought you would be happy to see me." I knew he was teasing me but I also saw he was hurt.

"I am Dad. Just surprised and a little confused."

"Well Soph, after seeing you with new friends I realized you're really growing up. Soon you will be off to college and the twins will be in high school. I don't want to miss the years that happens but I would if I started locked up in that center."

"What are you saying Dad?"

"I'm finally going to get the prosthetic legs Soph." He took a deep breath and rolled in his chair closer to me. "I'm finally going to be there for you, I'm finally coming home."

We smiled at each other for a while until I saw Wendy and Nicole trying to leave quietly. I had almost forgotten they were there.

"Dad can I talk to my friends alone?"

"Sure but first..." He trailed off and reached behind him. He pulled out a notebook that looked diary-like.

"I know I missed alot." He said "But I want to know my daughter again so if you want to write anything, not too personal, that happened while I was gone or even now, I'll read it."

"Thanks Dad." I smiled at him and he left.

"Wendy? What were you going to say?"

Instead of answering, she sat on my bed and stared at me. Finally she said "I've really missed you."

"Me too." I replied before turning to Nicole. "I missed you too."

Nicole sighed in relief as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders. "I missed the three of us."

"Just like you and your dad, we have a lot of catching up to do."

"So wait you guys forgive me?" I asked. I didn't think they would forgive me anything soon.

"Of course, Sophie. Either you was really concentrated or really stupid that you ran through our short cut. You know how dusty that road is. But you did it just for us." I smiled at Nicole, not only realizing my mistake but really what great friends I have.

"Alright Nicole, let's go before Doctor Grace comes for us."

"Yea ok. "Nicole responded.

Wendy climbed off my bed and headed for the door but Nicole stayed behind.

"Hey Sophie? You better get some rest. You hear?"

"Yea I will."

"Hey Sophie?" She called again.

"Yea?" I mumbled softly because I was starting to fall asleep.

"Tomorrow is summer."

"Oh thank gosh!"

A/N And... That's the end of popular targets. Debating if I should do a epilogue or try something new and do a flashback....

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