Chapter 3: Need More Practice

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"You are out of your mind!" Wendy pratically yelled at me.

"Why do you say that ?" I asked with the straightest face.

"You are going to try to become popular..."

"And get David!" I added 

"...and get David by becoming friends with three of the most popular sophomores?" she questioned me after rolling her eyes.

"Yep" I said popping my P.

"I think it's a great idea." Nicole agreed with me

It was Saturday afternoon after the first week of school and all three of us were in Nicole's room doing geometry homework. After four days of thinking about my plan, I finally decided to tell my two best friends. Too bad only one of them were liking and agreeing with this plan.

"And what if they find out you're just being fake?" Wendy drilled me with another question.

"They won't because you are the only two that will know and I'm an amazing liar.". I replied with confidence in my voice. I knew I could trust my friends and I could  think of a lie on the spot.

Nicole nodded with a smile on her face while Wendy still looked unconvinced.

"Wendy, what's the worst that could that could happen?" Finally Wendy's face relaxed.

"Sooo... when does your plan goes in action?" Nicole asked excited

"Monday" I answered "The plan starts Monday."

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The plan for my targets began as soon for the bell rang Monday morning for first period to start. The first target of the day was Target #3, Anthony West. If there's any class to become friends with him, it would be have to be Television Production, he was highly intrigued by the subject more than any of our classmates. I practically ran to sit beside him before anyone else could.

"Man, I love this class" I said with a sigh as I sat down. Lie.

He looked around before he responded "Yea, me too"

"My dream is to grow up and become a director" Lie.

He looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes. "That's my dream too." he replied with a smile. Before I could say anything else our teacher, Mrs. Rhee, started to talk. Honestly I only heard about half of what she was saying because my eyes kept darting at Anthony. His face looked so smooth with the perfect shape nose , almost full lips and a hint of a mustache above them. My thoughts were interrupted by Mrs.Rhee.

"...and you can work on this individually or in pairs on this assignment" As soon as I heard that I turned to Anthony.

"As both future directors, it"s only fair if we work together" Lie.

He laughed then agreed "Its only fair"

I scooted my desk closer to him signaling to everyone int the class that he already had a partner. I could see the disappointed looks on all our female's classmates face. On the assignment I just agreed with everything Anthony said because I had no idea what to do and it was just easier for both of us that way. 

It was almost time to go to second period and we were close to being finished...I think. "Alright if you are not finished complete it as homework" Miss Rhee announced to the class.

"Can I have your number?" Anthony asked me with confidence.

Shocked, multiple questions started to swirl through my head like "What's going on?" "Does he like me?" and  "Should I tell him I just want to be friends?"

Probably seeing the surprise look on my face Anthony added "So we can finish the storyboard."

Storyboard? What's that? Was that what we were doing? "Yea I knew that"

Feeling embarrassed, I hid my face while writing down my number on a piece of paper. 

"Text or call?" He asked after taking the paper.


"Should I text or call you?" he explained

"Either is fine"

"Okay I"ll call you later around 6"

I felt a little disappointed  that he wasn't going to attempt to talk to me before that or even ask me for my name.

The bell rang to leave first period and before Anthony exited the classroom door, he yelled "See you in fifth Sophia!"

So he did know my name. I smiled widely for about three seconds before stopping. If I was going to be popular, I would need more practice

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