Chapter 12: Here For You

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It's been a week since the targets told me about David. I started to avoid all social contact. Sometimes I found myself sitting alone at lunch before either Nicole or Amy dragged me to their table. I couldn't even look at David. Was I just another bet? Was he using me for a personal gain?

I knew my new depression was not only about David, we weren't actually dating so there was no reason for me to be overly upset about the whole situation. I was upset because I realized I was just like David. Using people for laughs and pretty much an experiment. They were not just my targets anymore, they became my friends. They invited me to their parties, tried to include me in everything they did, told me their  hidden secrets and they tried to protect me every way they could. I had to tell them the truth then they could decide if they still wanted to be my friend.

Grace would be easier to tell but she would tell Amy and I  didn't need her hearing it from any one other than me but I couldn't tell Amy because she would probably destroy me. I had to tell Anthony first. 

It was after four in the afternoon and I knew if I got ready now and took the bus, I would be at Anthony's house by five. Plenty of time to beg for forgiveness. I changed out of pajama pants and tank top into my favorite ripped jeans, black tee and black converse and pulled my hair in a high ponytail with a bang. I grabbed a $2 for the bus ride to and fro and just as I was about to exit the front door, I heard my mom.

"Sophie? Where are you going?".

"Oh yea, sorry. I was going to take the  bus to Anthony". I completely forgot to tell her I was going out. I hope she wasn't going to say no.

"Anthony? Who's that? Your new boyfriend? I thought you liked that David" .

What was up with all these questions??

"No mom, Anthony is my friend, I went to his party remember? And I don't like David anymore. Can I go now?"

"No, you have to watch the twins. I'm going grocery shopping".

"What? Why can't they go with you?". 

She stared at me like I was crazy. "Don't you remember the last time they went with us? They sat on the eggs and started acting like chicken. I'm pretty sure they are banned".

I actually did remember that. My mom had to pay for all those broken eggs but instead of throwing them away,she kept them. We had eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for weeks.

"Fine" I  mumbled under my breath.  

"Don't worry. I'll be home by six and I'll give you a ride."

At this I perked up "OK, see you in a hour"  .

Instead of an hour, she took three making it around 8 when she came home. After being cooped up in the house with my evil  siblings, I need to leave but I could from her facial expression that she was tired.

"Ohh no" I began "You promised to take me so you are".

"But I'm tired " she whined like a five year old.

"If you don't want to pick me up I'll  ask for a ride or stay over for the night".

She stared at me before asking "Isn't Anthony a boy?"


"Fine" she said stretching out the word "But if you staying over separate beds. Understand?"

By the time she reached Anthony's house, it was almost 8:30. I got out the car and walked up to his front door and knocked. He opened it right after the third knock.

"Sophie?" he asked. My mom then blew her horn and drove away. 

"We need to talk" I said walking in with no invitation

"Right now? Can't we talk tomorrow? My dad is about to get home and I don't-" He was interrupted by a car coming up his drive way.

His eyes started to dart left and right. "Um go wait in my room. I'll be there in a sec".

I started to walk down the hall to his familiar room and stopped at his door when I hear the front door open. I wondered if that was Anthony's dad and thought it wouldn't be polite if I didn't introduce myself. I started to walk back when I noticed an average height man with few gray hair and a beer bottle in his hand paying attention to Anthony, not noticing me. He then raised his hand and sent his palm down across Anthony's face. I covered my mouth to hold back my gasp. I wanted to help him but didn't want to intrude. So as silently as I could I walked back to Anthony's room and sat on his bed. A few minutes later he walked in.

"So what do you want to talk about?" he asked casual. His cheek was a bright red from the slap.

"Do they know?" I asked. He didn't surprised by the question or played dumb by asking who cause he knew I meant Amy and Grace.

He sighed."They think he stopped". I stared at him for a while before getting up off his bed and walking over in front of him. "But seriously Sophie, I'm OK" he said with a small smile. "What did you want  to talk about?"

'I want to talk about..." I started off before hugging him "Nothing. I just wanted to be here for you."


A/N - Poor Anthony :(

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