Chapter 21: Feeling Empty Inside

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I smoothed my dress again. Unlike Amy's dress, I went with a dark blue dress with glitter on the bottom half.

I was going with Victor, both Anthony and Grace didn't confirm their dates and Amy said instead of Victor, she was going with the shoe-in for spring king, but she didn't tell us who exactly.

I didn't put up any posters asking for students to vote me for spring queen. Even though Amy wasn't a senior, she was very popular and she was definitely going to win.

A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Are you ready?"

I turned to face my mom.

"Yes I guess."

"Victor is already downstairs. Nice kid. He's so swagged out."

I laughed at my mom's attempt to sound like what she calls "an average teenager ".

I climbed down the steps slowly. I didn't go overboard with shoes by wearing a four inch heel but I still had to pace myself.

I looked at Victor and he smiled in response.

"I know this cliche but you look beautiful ."

I felt my face begin to get hot so I turned to my mom.

"Okay be home at twelve " I  spunned around to the door before she stopped me.

"Wait!  I got to take pictures "

"What ? No. This isn't prom. Its a simple dance."

"Come on. One ? Or three ? Definitely three ." my mom begged.

I turned to Victor to see his reaction. He shrugged his shoulder before adding "Fine by me. I'm pretty sure you'll look great in them."

My mom made us do the tradition "I have a date to a dance " pose where my back faced Victor while he puts his arm around me and then one silly pose. For the third one , she had me posing by myself.

The dance was held at the school in our gym. I was expecting cheap balloons and wobbly tables but when I walked inside , I felt bad for making assumptions.

The gym ceiling looked  like a galaxy, matching the theme , and there were spotlights placed all over the room. For the spring king and queen, there was two decorated chairs for them to sit in with a cape attached at the back of it. I chuckled of the thought of Amy wearing that. The food table was stacked high with food you wouldn't usually see at a dance but at a five star restaurant and the dance floor, instead of looking cheap with the flashing lights, looked amazing and as if it belonged.

I stared in awe at the transformed gym before I spotted Grace making her way to the food table.

"Grace, this is amazing. You are amazing" I beamed at her.

Grace was voted head of the dance committee instantly after she signed up to volunteer and I'm pretty sure no one will be arguing with that decision.

"Thanks Sophie. Where's Victor?"

I dropped my jaw. While I was in la-la land, I forgot my date.

"I'll catch you later Grace."

I walked over to the spot I last saw him and noticed he was talking to Amy and a boy I didn't recognize.

"Hey Amy." I said

"Hey and this is Michael Jones, my date"

Michael Jones was a senior soccer player that played defense. He was extremely fit and cute, of course not as much as Victor.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

I wasn't sure if he was going to take my hand to shake so I just took Victor's with mines. Amy noticed this and a weird smile came over her face.

"Well we have to go say hi to our voters. Good Luck Sophie." Amy said before walking up to a group of vulnerable freshmen.

"Want to dance?" Victor asked.

I nodded my head and started walking to the dance floor.

We danced to three slow songs while he made me laugh about how his parents took him to vacation spots where he always ended up getting hurt some how. I glanced over his shoulders a couple to see Grace and Anthony and Amy and Michael talking.

I leaned my head on his shoulder just as a microphone crackled to life.

"Students listen up. I got your results for Spring King and Queen" Mrs Thompson said.

The whole gym clapped before quieting again.

"For spring king we have...Victor Roberts" a round of applause rang around the room for him. He kissed me lightly on the cheek before advancing to his seat where they crown him and put on his royal robe.

Mrs Thompson continued "And our queen is Sophie Preston."

I stood stunned while everyone around me stared and clapped. I took my chance and glanced at Amy. She looked...happy? Proud?

I felt myself walking towards the crowning chair. I sat and I had to admit it was comfortable. I turned to see Grace placing the crown on my head.

"Congratulations" she whispered in my ear before putting on my robe.

"Hey" I turned to my left and remembered I'm right beside Victor. "You ok?"

"Yea" I laughed nervously "Just really surprised."

"You're doing fine."

"Everyone give it up once again for your king and queen." Mrs Thompson announced to the gym.

"Hey." Victor and I laughed " I need to stop saying that. Um I was wondering if you wanted, of course, if you wanted to be my girlfriend? I know we only know each other for a while but I really like you and you can-"

"Yes" I smiled to myself.

"Yes?" he asked


"Yes!" We both laughed at his excitement. We looked forward to the dance again leaving me to my thoughts.

I got what I wanted. I had a boyfriend, maybe not David, and I was popular. Atleast popular enough to win Spring Queen. I just didn't why I was feeling empty inside.

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