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Ace Rodriguez's POV

I kissed her forehead. She is sleeping safe and sound in my arms. Finally we are going back home and the mission of making her mine completed. I am scared of what she would say and what her answer would be.

I looked down at her seeing her sleeping is like seeing an angel. How can someone possess so much beauty? No wonder David want her that much. When ever there is a meeting in their office everyone in the room keeps looking at her which she wouldn't notice. He wants to rip their eyes out.

How dare they look at her when he is there?

She is wearing a  jeans and a casual red blouse and curled into me in his fight and they are going back to home. Nothing happened between us.

-Back at the island yesterday night-

I am so nervous of what she would say. i don't know what I will do if she said 'no'. What should I do then? But all I know is I will make her mine.

I am sitting at the bonfire outside the house thinking about her. How she changed me? After I met her I don't have any interest on anyone. I want to end my playerish ways.

All I want now is her. My only goal now is to make her mine. Mine alone.

"I am searching for you inside the house", I heard a sweet voice knowing who it is I turned back.

"I was just thinking".

"About?", she asked as she sat next to me with her arms around her legs which are to her chest.

"You", I replied calmly looking at her. She blushed and looked away.


"So nothing. I want my answer Cara. I don't want to take topic some where and make this situation awkward. Also I can't wait to know what's in your heart. So say it out", I said looking into her eyes, holding her hands.

"Ace.............I......I..........don't know how to say this", she said. She is taking pauses means she didn't want to. She didn't want to be my girlfriend.

Oh no! Dear Cara. it's a wrong decision. You don't know me. I will make you mine. Even if I have to seduce you for that.

"I got it. You don't want to be my girl friend bu-".

"No Ace, I want to. Who said I don't want to. I would really like to be your girl friend", she said blushing and hiding her face.

I attacked her with my hugs and showered her in kisses. if we were standing right now, I would have lifted her off the ground and swirled her around.

I brought her so close that we are face to face, eyes to eyes, nose to nose, breathe to breathe and lips to lips.

I slowly pressed her lips into mine. First it was sweet but desire added to it and I can't stop myself. I want her and that's it. We were lying on the sand with her under me and me on her top feeling every curve of her body in my palms and her sweet taste of her lips.

She is wearing my t-shirt red and hot, i slid my palm under the shirt to feel her smooth skin. I moved away from her to her neck.

"Ace s.....stop", she said breathless.

I stopped and looked at her. Her eyes so beautiful and those black orbs that are so intense. She is a snow white. So beautiful and pure from heart.

"What happened love?", I asked her concerned for her.

"I want to talk to you about something".

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