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Cara Jones's POV

"Cara love I am home baby", he said as he came. I quickly got up from my seat and went to him hugging him and kissing him. I know if I didn't he will do something in anger. How did I even love this man? He is not the man whom I fell in love with.

"How was your day babe?", I asked him even though I am not interested in knowing it. He would get angry if I didn't take any interest in him. He put his hands around my waist as we went to our bed room.

"It's fine. But that asshole of my boss is making me do lot of work. He makes me angry baby, but when ever I think of you all my anger just vanishes. Come here", he said as I went to him and he kissed me. I kissed him back without any interest.

After few minutes when things were about to go too far I pushed him away slowly so that he can't know that I don't like kissed by him. I smiled at him.

"Why don't you get fresh up yourself. I will serve dinner mean while", I said smiling.

"Yeah I wil come soon", he said as he went inside and I rushed to kitchen and washed my mouth clean as tears rolled down my cheek. He doesn't even let me out. I am struk here. I can't even run he will find me.

I set everything perfectly on the table and waited for him. I was cleaning the kitchen when he came from behind and hugged me. I startled and jumped back.

"What did you make love?", he asked and I replied back.

"Your favourite babe", he smiled at me.

"I love you", he said and hugged me.

"I love you too", I said slowly without any feeling.

"No you don't", he said suddenly and pulled away with angry look. Oh no. Please no. Please don't make him angry.

"I mean it. I really love you", I said looking scared.

"I know you don't", he said pulling back.

"Babe I really love you", I said with tears praying that today I may be left away from beatings.

"Then prove to me that you love me", he said. How? i looked here and there not knowing what to do. I kissed him. He  went wild and kissed me back instantly. After a few minutes we were on bed kissing. He was about to tear my under ware, but I stopped him.

I shook my head in a no guster. He sighed.

"Why?", he asked getting up.

"Not today", I said getting up.

"You say that everyday", he yelled I flinched. He suddenly took his belt and threw me on the floor. I backed away from him, but he came front.

"You whore you don't love me. You think I am fool to know that. I will make you learn a lesson on how you should treat you husband", he said and the torture started. 

"No. Please no. Please David no", I cried and cried but he didn't stop, if any it only became more. He stopped after he took all his anger on he and left me alone in the room. I fell on the floor and cried for my life, my fate.

I felt so alone. Helpless. Hopeless.

"No", I said as I woke up. He left but why doesn't those nightmares leave me. I felt a tear trickle down my face. I wiped it away and looked at clock and it's 9.00 A.M. Today is Sunday. So no office.

Office. The only thing on my mind this whole week was one person. Ace.

I became a little comfortable to him. He is not that bad that everyone thinks. He is good well atleast with me. Mark tried to talk to me but every time Ace stops him At one point Ace got angry and almost fired him Poor Mark. H eis really good guy.

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