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Ace Rodriguez's POV

I paced back and forth in my living room. I don't know where she is? How she is? What would that monster David do to her? But I swear if he tries doing any harm to her I will kill him. I WILL.

All the security and policemen are trying to find her, but no one is able to find her, but no luck. With all the power and money I have I still feel helpless. I can't do anything. I am such a useless person that can't even take care of the person I love the most.

She is the only one to me. She is the only light in my life. God, don't let anything happen to her!

I called Zachary, my best friend since childhood. He is trying help all he can. But we can't do anything without knowing where she is gone. It's like as if she disappeared from earth. I am going to bang all the security guards heads. How couldn't they see her going out? Stupid staff.

Suddenly the doors burst open and in came the Devil himself.

"Hey man!", he said coming in.

"Any news?", I asked eagerly.

"No, there is nothing any one can do. They went to all the possible places they could. Called all the numbers they can, but no luck. But don't worry we will not give up. We will find her", he said placing a hand on my shoulder. I moved away and sat on the sofa.

"You don't understand. I love her so much. We just don't will find her, we must find her. I must find her. She is my life now. I just can't imagine my life without her. No one knew how lonely I felt even with all the money I have, but when she filled the emptiness. God, I need her more than oxygen itself".

I ran a hand through my hair frustratedly. He sat beside me. We didn''t talk. "You have changed so much, you know? Where is the player Ace I know. The one who cares about nothing", he said.

"Yeah I know, she changed...for best and the player Ace who have no goal in life is gone for good", I said smiling to myself at the thought of her. He frowned. "You will understand what I feel once you will fall in love and meet the women that will hold your heart captive".

"What the fuck? I don't want to fall in love. And what the bullshit are you talking about. Women that will hold your heart captive......where did you get those lines huh? So stupid. I am happy with my playerish ways", he said standing. He went to the table and took out a phone. " Whose is this?", he asked showing it to me.

"That's Cara's phone", I said calmly. Though I am calm, I am freaking from inside. He started checking it. While I sat there thinking of the possibilites where David might have took her.

"Ace, I think you should see this", he said showing me the phone. I saw there is a text message of the place, from Siara's number. The time of the text is just after the phone call. This must be the place.

"OH GOD! Thank you Zack. This must be the place where he might have called her", I said going out. We both soon got in my car and started driving through the busy streets of the city. I called and informed the policemen the address. They are on their way. Just hold on love I am coming.

Cara Jones POV

I opened my eyes to the same room of darkness. My back is still sore. It's hurting me. My hands are tied to the bed post and legs are tied together to the end of bed. I can't move. I wanted to shout for help, but knew no one would listen to cries.

I silently laid there and let all my tears flow slowly. I looked down to see I am still in my bra and panties only. I hope he doesn't try anything. How is Siara? Did he leave her, now that I came here? God, I he doesn't do any harm to her.

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