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Cara Jones POV

David! It's David. These roses and letters are from that monster. He came back again, but how? He must be in jail right? I was brought out of the trance by the ringing of my phone. I took it out with shaky hands and put it to my ear.

"Hello", I said shakily.

"Is it Cara Jones?", the voice other side asks.

"Yes", I said still nervous.

"I am Hank from the police department. I called to tell you that your husband escaped mam. But we are trying to catch him and we will soon, be careful", with that he ended the call. I dropped on the floor.

What should I do now. He escaped, he came to her. He is going to take me away with him again to that hell. No! NO! I don't want that. Few tears fell from her eyes.

I got up and went to office slowly driving her car. I went inside the building. What if Ace asks me about it? Should I say about it to him? How? What should I do?

She slowly walked inside the table that is inside the Ace's room. I sat on it thinking about it. I looked up to see the door open and Ace came in. He saw me and instantly he had a smile on his face.

"What took you so long?", he asked while coming near me. I stood up and he kissed me on my cheek. I shook my head.

"Nothing. Just the traffic", I told him looking down, not wanting him to see my eyes, if he did he will know the truth. He lifted my head and watched my eyes. He knew something was wrong.

"What is it love?". he asked holding my chin.

"Nothing", I said as I pulled away from him.

"But Ca-", he was cut off by Mark.

"Sir you have a meeting now. Everyone is waiting for you", he said and went out. Ace turned around and looked at me.

"Cara I know there is something. I will talk to you about it after I came from the meeting, okay?", he said caressing my cheek.

"It's nothing Ace, just a little head ache", I told him without any expression on my face.

"Really?", he asked checking my face.

"Really", I replied maintaining my face blank.But by the look on his face I know he is not convinced. "Go, you are getting late for the meeting, every one is waiting for you", I said pushing him.

"Okay. Okay. I am sorry Cara, that I don't have time today to meet you at lunch. So you should have it yourself", he said disappointedly.

"It's okay. I can understand", I said smiling sadly back at him and he went off to the meeting.

I sat back in my chair biting my nail and fingers. What should I do now. Just then my phone pinged. I opened it and saw a message.


Okay I understand hat you don't have any money that's why you did it, but stop from now on tht I am back.


My breathe is caught in my throat. I don't know what to do? Treas are rolling down my face fastly without my permission.

God help me! Please.

I took out my phone and called the only person that can help me now, but she id not picking up. My phone pinged again. I saw it's from the same number before. I shakily opened the text.

Don't tell anyone that I am back love. Otherwise you may loose the one you love that is your friend Siara


I thought it was Ace, but Siara. NO! I can't let anything happen ot her. She is important too. My best friend and my only family. The day passed by and the texts kept coming.

Did you eat lunch?

Are you quitting?

Did you already quit?

How is your day going? But the last one scared me.

When will you come home I am waiting?

He is already inside my house. Oh no! This is not a good sign. I will not step into the house again. I don't even want to see the face of that devil.

Ace said he will take me home, but I don't want to wait for him. He is busy whole with meetings as he came back after a whole week.

Should I tell him or will he think I am a burden? i don't want to loose him I am starting to fall for him and that too hard.

It's all so quick. Meeting, dating and falling. I just met him a few weeks back. Now we are both together. David came back. So fast. Everything so fast.

Before Ace can come and stop me, I took all my stuff and left the office soon. I took a car and went to Siara'a home.

I took my things and started walking out. I am almost in the cellar when I heard someone call me from my behind. I know it's Ace. I odn't want to meet him now. I started walking faster when he came too close.

"Cara, where are you running?".

"Nowhere", she said looking here and there.

"I am calling you but you didn't hear me, why didn't you wait for me?", he said coming closer to me and taking me in his arms. Being there felt so happy.

"I didn't hear you", I replied looking here and there.

"Baby what happened that you are so stressful today. Is everything okay?", he asked me with so much concern in his face. His palms caressing my cheeks. I pulled his hands away.

"It's just I have a bad head ache Ace. Can I talk to you tomorrow?', I asked looking at him.

"Yeah", he said doubtfully. I was about to go away. But he pulled me back again.

I gave him a questioning look.

"No kiss. Come on! At least on the cheek", he said showing me his cheek. I just can't resist him. I leaned forward and was about to place a kiss on his cheek but he turned his head and I met his lips. I gasped and pulled away. Hitting his arm and blushing furiously.

"Take care, bye",he said laughing.

I went to my car and got in, he waved at me and I went off to Siara's house which is a two hour drive, but before I can get there I got a call from an unknown number.


"We are calling from Judith hospital. Mr. Ace Rodriguez is met with an accident. Can you please come for him", they said and my world stopped Ace is in an accident.

Oh no! Soon I received another text.

shouldn't have kissed him


Oh no!


Hey my lovelies!


I know it's been a long time I updated, but I am busy with my other book Cowboy's Code.

So here's the update. I hope you all like it. Please comment on what you think about it.

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