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Cara Jones POV

There stood Ace, looking godly in his white shirt tucked in his black jeans. The top three buttons of his shirt are open showing a little glimse of his chest. I slowly looked into his eyes and caught him staring at me. I blushed and looked down. I hope he likes what he see.

Slowly I looked into his eyes and our eyes met. We were disturbed from our little world by Siara talking. 

"Are you both just going to stare at each other all day or Ace are you intended to taking her to your date?", she asked. I blushed again. God this is third time I am blushing in one minute! Think I will be doing this a lot today. We both ignored her.

"You look so beautiful love", Ace said giving a kiss to my cheek while putting an arm around my waist and pulling me to his warm embrace. I savoured the kiss.

"Thank you, you look handsome too", I said while my cheeks were getting red and red every minute. He slowly inched down and kissed my lips sweetly. His lips so soft against mine.

I put my arms around him pulling him close to me and angling my head to kiss him better. My legs went around his waist and I felt his hands on my butt holding me tight to not let me fall down and another one is around my back holding me firmly to his chest.

Our tongues are fighting and he is obviously winning it. I moaned out loud. We both forgot that we are in the lobby out of Siara's suit. We were brought back by someone's throat clearing. We stopped and I looked up to see him looking into so much love. I am sure mine mirrored the same.

We smiled at each other.

"Okay that's enough. Now go out of the lobby and do your shit. I don't want to witness you both having sex", she said while closing her eyes. God how emmbarassing!

"Siara!", I shouted while my cheeks are sure crimson red.

"Don't shout I am stating the fact. Now go. Bye", she said and closed the door on our face. I am still in Ace's arms, with my legs around his waist and his hand on my butt. My arms are around his neck. I tried to pull my arms away but he caught them stopping my action.

"No, let them be", he said kissing my nose. I nodded my head. He started walking with me in his arms carrying me like a baby. I put my head on his chest. Suddenly we heard the door open.

"Don't forget to use protection. Oh! Also keep it down, I am just a floor below you", Siara said and slammed the door shut.

I blushed deep beat root red hiding my face in Ace's chest. He chest rumbled with laughter.

"Ace, where are we going?", I asked him while peeking at him.

"To my house", he said looking down at me while smiling. I am confused.


"Yes, you heard me right".

"But you said you will be taking me to a date right?".

"Yes and a date can also be done in my house. Why you don't want that? You want to go some where else? It's okay if yo-".

"No, no Ace. it's okay. As long as you are there any where is okay", I said kissing his cheek while reaching up to him. He smiled at me.

"Good now let's go", he said and we stepped into the elevator. The door closed and opened fast, as we were just one floor down. We walked out and I saw no one there. There must be security guards here right? Right then as if he read my brain he answered.

"I sent them away, but there is still tight security here. No one can enter or even look into our house", he said as we entered inside the house. I made an understanding look on my face. I don't want security for myself, I want it for Ace. I want him to be safe.

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