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Cara Jones POV

I gasped when I turned to look at him. His eyes were full of rage. I took a step back quickly. He took a step forward.

"What did you say Cara? Say it again", he said while slowly walking to me in a low predating voice.

I remained quiet.

"Say it", he snarled a little. I jumped. I have never seen him like this. I mean he gets angry but this side is scary.

"T-this is all a m-m-mistake", I said looking here and there.

"Look into my eyes and say it Cara", he said but I didn't cause I know if I did I will loose it. "Look. Into. My. Eyes", he said every word separately while he took my face in his one hand and made me look at him. His face is so angry, but his eyes held pain.

That itself made me want to hug him tightly and let him know that I am not going anywhere and all this is right. Very very right.

"Cara", he said in a low deep voice indicating he is waiting for me to say the words. I took a step back and hit the bed near my knee and was about to fall on the bed, but his arms caught me holding me to him completely and my foot are not even touching the ground.

"We a-are a m-m-mistake", I said looking into his eyes and there is the most painful look I have look I have ever seen on this face. I want to kiss him and tell him everything, but I don't want David to do anything to Ace.

I love Ace.

I don't want anything to happen to him. Not because of me. He should be face, Even if it means me being away from me.

I was brought back to reality by my back hitting the bed and Ace on top of me. His face is inches away from mine. His breathe fanning my face.

"So this is a mistake to you right", he said angrily, I tried to keep my tears at bay hating myself for being this weak and vulnerable. "Then let's do this mistake again", he said holding my hands above on both side my head. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I felt his lips on mine.

He is kissing me and even before that went to my mind he pushed away and whispered, "again", he kissed me on my lips again and again before I can react he pushed away whispering, "again", he said kissing my neck pressing soft kisses to it.

"Again and again till this mistake become right. Let's keep doing the mistake. Let's make the mistake again to make it totally right", he said while kissing my neck and breathing my scent. I don't know what to fell.

Happy that he loves me so much or sad that I have to leave him. I wanted to be with him. Kiss him, love him, let him make love to me, have a family with him, want a home with him. But those are all my dreams which will always remain like a dream.

I pushed him away, or should I say tried to. He wouldn't budge. He is sticked to me like a glue and the only thing that's separating us is our clothes. Our breathing is raged even we weren't kissing more. May be the air is thick.

"Ace stop. W-we shouldn't be d-doing this", I said him struggling the words out.

"No baby I know you want me", he said and suddenly kissed me. I instantly opened my mouth for him. He slipped his tongue into my mouth happily and exploded every corner of it. The kiss was deep and intense exploding so many emotions in me.

His hands went back of my body caressing it. His hands slid under my shirt making contact with my bare skin. They came front and all the time the kiss didn't stop. I am totally lost in the feeling of him. His hands caressed my breast slowly.

Suddenly his hands were not on my body for a minute second.

His hands were unbuttoning my shirt that I wore almost two days back for work and removed it sliding them down my hands from back and I helped him removing it as I sat up along with him still kissing him. I didn't want this to stop. I pressed myself into him as he did the same himself.

I felt him smirk and smile against our kiss. It felt so perfect. I felt happy and content in his arms. It felt like home. I helped him taking his shirt off from his head by pulling his hem of the shirt breaking out kiss for a split second and connected our lips again soon feeling desperate.

He broke the kiss and now I am under him, my back touching the bed and him on the top of me again like first. I gave him a confused look. He smiled at me. I blushed and looked down.

"Now tell me does it still feel mistake?", he asked looking at me in my eyes.

That brought me back. What am I doing? I should go away from him, not near him. I will only hurt him. I was about to answer him, but the door bell rang. He didn't move.

He ignored it.

"Ace someone is at the door, go open it", I told him, but he didn't. He sat up with me in his lap. I am half naked only in my bra and him with his naked chest pressing to my side.

"No, first you answer me. Whoever it is they can wait or go away fro all I care. I want to deal with you first. I don't like the words that came from that sweet mouth of yours", he said seriously looking at me with his hands around my waist.

"Ace go and get the door first, please", I said struggling to get out of his grip.

"No, Cara I don't care who is at my door right now and I don't give two shits about it. All I want to know is what made you think that this is a mistake. It's making my blood boil", he said angrily and hugging me to him tightly as if I would go away. He is being so tough.

"Ace I will tell you, but go answer the door", I said stubbornly. I am not interested in who is at the door but just to make an excuse. He huffed and put me down on the bed care fully and stood up and went to answer the door. I quickly put my shirt on back ans waited for him to come.

I hear him open the door and talk to some one, then he closed the door shut tightly. I waited for him to come back, but he didn't. So I stood up from the bed and went near him in the living room.

His back is to me, so I can't see him what he is doing. I came to face him and saw he is reading a file with so much concentration. What might be that important? He looked at me in my eyes. His expression is so blank, but anger is evident in his eyes.

"Ace what happened? Why are you so angry? What is this file?", I took it out from his hands.

I opened it curiously to see what's in it that changed his mood. I read it and what I saw shocked me. I gasped and looked at him. I turned over the pages and saw the last line. His expression turned more angrier.

Then suddenly my phone pinged which is in the table in the living room. I went to pick it up but Ace beat me to it. He opened the message and read it.

His eyes turned red with anger.



Hey my lovely readers!

I know it's late, bu here's an update for you. I hope you all like it. Let me know what do you think baout the file and the message. Who do you guess it is? Please comment and I will reply to them all.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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