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Cara Jones's POV

A nervous wreck. That's what I am right now. Sitting in front of the, Ace Rodriguez. He shot me a smirk my way while I twiddled my thumbs due to anxiety building in me because of his stares.

I unconsciously brought my head down and peeked up at him from my eyelashes watching him go through my files. I was a gold medalist and never worked anywhere except in a coffee shop when I was studying.

"Well Miss? May I know your name?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I held myself back from snapping at him. Ain't that MY files? My name is written all over it you doofus.

"Yes. My name is Cara Jones, sir." I replied curtly.

"Okay, Cara. Tell me about yourself." Placing my file on his desk he leaned back on his leather chair and brought his palms together, relaxing his muscles.

Whoa! On to the first name basis now, are we?

"Well, I am a gold medalist in my MBA and Economics and I can do accounts well-" I started saying but was abruptly cut me off by the idiot in front of me.

"How can your services help me? I mean our company?" He asked.

"I am very dedicated to anything I do. It can be small or big I, with all my heart, will do it. I'll do anything you say." I quickly replied. I know it was a pathetic answer, but he was scrutinizing me under his trained eyes making me panic.

I shrunk down in my seat trying to blend with the comfortable furniture as he was watching my every move, looking like he was ready to pounce on me at any second.

"Anything, huh?" He wistfully thought while smiling to himself.

Is.. Is he okay? Is something wrong with him? I fidgeted.

"Sir, um... about the job?" I asked peeking through my eyelashes not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Cara, look at me." He ordered. Why do all males need to be so controlling?

I looked everywhere but at him. I even admired the dead potted plant in the corner of the room.

"Cara, I said look at me." He demanded angrily making me quickly look up at him. I didn't want to make him angrier and lose my chance at getting the job. I slowly met his eyes and as our eyes met slightly I quickly diverted my gaze away from him scared.

"Cara about the job-" Please say I got it. Please say I got it. I prayed and prayed in my head.

"You got the job and you can start tomorrow morning. Everything will be explained to you when you get here." He explained handing back my files and stuck his hand out to shake. I took it my files back with a bright smile, then took his hand, I shook it vigorously and the fact that he was the creep in the elevator flew over my head like nothing.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you so much!" I thanked happily. Yes! Now, I can pay all my bills and get an actual home with the money I save from a bank. I can be financially stable! I celebrated in my head.

"You don't know how grateful I am for this job, sir. Thank you!" I think I was going to burst into tears of happiness. Something is finally going right in my life.

"You're welcome, Ms. Jones. I hope you will be a great asset to the company and do everything that I say." He said giving me a smirk and took my hand back when the elevator incident processed through my mind.

Oh, now, he's calling me Ms. Jones?

"Of course sir, I will do my best." I avoided his gaze and turned around to leave. Walking to the door happily smiling, only god knows how I wished to have this job. I got it! I got the job! I cheered in my mind.

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