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Cara Jone's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw I am sleeping on a bed. I sat and looked around. No one is there inside. I am in a flight right. Then how did I get here. I got up and went outside.

I saw Ace working on his laptop. Doesn't he stop working? I frowned and went and sat beside him.

"Hey you woke up I was just about to come and wake you but you came. Flight is about to land in a few minutes", he said while working on his laptop without looking at me.

"You should have woke me up. I would have helped you in work. How did I go to bed?", I asked him putting my chin on my right palm.

"Is it that difficult to guess?", he smirked and kissed my cheek to my shock. I wiped it away.

"Stop kissing me. I am not your girl friend", I said as I stood up to sit in another seat. But he pulled me in his lap. I tried to wiggle out, but he kept his arms around me not letting me out.

"Let me go", I said getting angry.

"There is my fiesty girl", he said and kissed my neck on hickey.

"Stop doing that", I said and got out of his arms forcefully. I walked to the window seat and sat on it. He came and sat beside me. God why can't he leave me alone. Not that that I don't like it.

We landed soon and I got my luggage out. We went to a hotel after that, that is owned by Ace. How many places does he own?

But only one room was given. I know this is all done by Ace. He did it. I didn't talk to him. We went into the suite and there were two rooms. I picked one and went into it. I bathed and wore opened my bag to were my shorts and T-shirt.

The rooms were so good. I am stunned by their beauty. I liked them very much.

Instead I found lingerie's and skimpy nighties. How? Siara. But when? I recalled everything. Oh no! She didn't. She send me to bring water and packed all these removing other clothes that I packed.

What am I going to do now? I can't wear them. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Cara come fast food is here", he said and left.

What? I should go out like this. In front of that horny idiot. No! No this is not happening. God! Why? Why me?

I wore a baby pink nightie and am nervous to go outside. Siara you are so dead when I come back.

I slowly opened the door and went outside. I didn't see Ace anywhere which I am thankful for.

I made slow steps to kitchen hoping he would not be there and to my luck he is not. I let out a breathe which I was holding. I saw food there and took some. I don't want to eat here. So I took some and tried to go to my room.

But I heard someone call my name. Damn! I turned back to face none other than Ace.

I looked at him to see his shocked face. I looked down not wanting to face him.

"Shit! What are you wearing?", he asked while coming near me. I stood rooted in the spot.

"Are you trying to tempt me? Well if it is then it worked baby", he said and came more near me.

I took a step back to maintain some distance.

"I am not baby. Stop calling nick names and no I am not trying to seduce you. it's just that............that..........that Siara packed them all", I said as I peeked at him through my eyelids.

"Well who ever this Siara is thank you to her", he said and came near me. He took me in his arms and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away.

"What are you doing?", I asked him getting annoyed.

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