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BRRRINGG...................................BRRRRING GGG.......................BRRRRING GGGGGGGGGG.........................

Ughhh..... what is that stupid sound? Oh yeah my alarm. I woke up and looked at the time and quickly jumped out of bed. God it's already 8.00 A.M. My boss is going to fire me if I am late. Thinking about him made my heart race. What is happening?

I shook my head shooing away all the thoughts and went into the bathroom with my work clothes took a fast shower. Slipping on my work clothes I looked in the mirror. I was wearing a black pencil skirt and a white collared long sleeves shirt. I didn't eat breakfast because it was already 8.40 A.M.

I quickly took my bag and other things and went out of the house locking it behind me. I quickly called a cab and went to my new office building and paid the driver. Rushing into the building I was greeted by none other than yesterday's receptionist.

I didn't give her second glance and quickly went to the lift pushing the button for the 20th floor. The lift started moving and my palms started sweating. I took a look at my wrist watch and it's 9.00 A.M.

Oh No! I am so fired.

As soon as the lift doors opened I rushed to Mr. Rodriguez's door and took a deep breathe.

Come on Cara. You can do this.

With that I knocked on the door.

"Come in", hailed a deep voice and its effect on me was too much for my liking. Why was his voice effecting me? Cara get a grip. I opened the door and went inside. There he is the sexy greek god sitting on his chair working on his laptop.

As soon as I came in his eyes met mine and I quickly looked away.

"Good morning Mr. Rodriguez" I said peeking through my eyelashes.

"Ms. Jones what did I say about being late. I do not tolerate my employees being late", he said angrily and I quickly cowered back.

"I-I'm sorry s-sir", I said looking down. I didn't want to look at his angry face. I don't like when men are angry at me.

"It's okay. From now on don't be late", he said strictly.

"Yes sir", I said looking down.

"Ms. Jones what did I say about looking into my eyes when talking to me", he said as he stood up from the chair and came near me.

I looked up and saw him close.

"Mr. Rodriguez what is my work?", I asked to distract him.

He moved away little and sat in his chair again. I let out a breathe that I didn't know I was holding.

"Ms. Jones first and foremost call me Ace".


I nodded my head. "And answer with your mouth whenever I ask you something".

"Yes sir- I mean A-Ace sir", I said not being able to call him with just his name.

He laughed. What is there to laugh?

"Did you just stutter my name? So cute. And it's not Ace sir. It's just Ace. Got it?", he asked.

I nodded, but quickly replied, "Okay".

"Now back to work. I want you in my office from 9.00 A.M till I go home. Bring me coffee at 10 A.M. You should come with me to every meeting to write notes and make note of everything. Don't miss anything. You should take care of my daily schedule, arranged my meetings and also help me in my presentations. I will give you some files save all of them in your computer and should do everything I say. If I need anything you should take care of that. Right now take these files and copy them in your system. Now go", he said while handing me some files.

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