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Cara Jone's POV

"Ace leave me. I don't want to come with you", I said getting angry. Ugh! He sis the only man who can make me angry.

"No Cara we are going to my island and that's my final decision", he said while typing on his cell. We are in his car going to the airport. Me arguing to not to go and him like always stubborn and arrogant.

He will not do anything to me there right? I hope not. After what I know him he had a lot of chances to do anything to me, but he didn't. I don't know why but I trust him so much.

I sat quiet knowing it's waste to argue with this impossible man and folded my arms under my chest.

We were soon in the airport and the in plane. The plane took off. I sat in a seat and Ace sat next to me.

I can't change. I can't change things he do. I can't change anything.

I sighed and looked outside.

"Ace, why are you doing this?", I asked as I turned to him.

"You will know soon Cara Mia!", he said and I don't know what to say. Did he just say Cara Mia! I looked at him shocked.

"Did you call me Cara Mia? Why?", I asked stunned.

"My wish", he said and shrugged. I rolled my eyes. There he is the arrogant idiot.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Ace Rodriguez's POV

Finally I am taking her to my island. Only us. No disturbances. I want her all to myself. I never felt like this before. So protective and possessive about someone.

Thinking her itself makes me smile in myself like an idiot.

I looked at her. She is sleeping like an angel. I took my time to stare at her. Her eyelids long and thick. Her hair dark black like midnight. Her face white and glowing. Her lips pink and shaped for mine to be matched with them.

Her cheeks baby pink tinted and soft. Her neck that makes me want to kiss her. I saw her neck and spotted the hickey that I gave her and smiled. Good now everyone will know she is mine.

But that Mason bastard. How dare he ask her to hang out with him. She is mine and mine only. I want my girl my side all time and no one lays eyes on her except me.

But who is this David? What did he do to her? Why was she saying to not to beat her? There is something that I will find out.

Soon we arrived the island and she is still asleep. I lifted her in my arms and took her out of the plane to inside the house. My maids brought the bags. I got in bed with her and waited for her to wake up.

After about fifteen minutes or so she waked up and opened her eyes. She quickly sat up scooting away from me. It hurt, but soon she will not go away, she will come near me.

Her face showing shock. I caught her wrist and pulled her in my lap. I kissed her side cheek and placed her feet down on the floor as I stood up.

"Get freshen up. I will be in the living room", I said and walked out. When she went inside bathroom I put the dress I brought with the note on the bed and went outside.

I made all the arrangements and got ready myself. In a white shirt with top the buttons leaving and a black jeans. I don't know wy but I ma nervous.

These feelings I am feelings for her I don't know what they are, but as far as I know they are love. I am going to say her that today. I will love her every flaw, I will accept her as she is.

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