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Cara Jones POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I am met with a hard naked chest. I tried to move, but his arms are around me tightly holding me to him. Last night memories came rushing into my brain. We have finally done it. We finally made love. We became one. Heart, body and soul.

I can't stop smiling. I tried to get out of his grip to go the bathroom and succeded after two minutes. I stood up holding a sheet to my chest and looked down at him to snuggle with the pillow thinking it's me and smiled to myself.

I took a robe and went inside the bathroom. I stood in front of the large mirror and dropped the robe only to meet with hundreds of love bites all over my body. On my neck, my stomach, my breasts, my thighs. I blushed deep red and caresses one on my neck.

I should open myself to him. I should say him that I love him, as much as he loves me. I will tell him today after breakfast.

I got out of the bathroom and walked in his walk-in-closet and took his white t-shirt that reached till my knees and wore it with a bra inside. Coming out of the closet, I went near him and kissed his forehead. I went inside the kitchen to make him breakfast .

What to make? Just as I was thinking, my phone rang. I went to pick it up and answered it without looking at the caller ID.


"Hello love", the devilish voice rang through the phone. I know this voice. It's him. It's David.

"David?", I said, but my hands are shaking, even my legs are shaking.

"Good, you recognised me. Otherwise I thought you were busy having sex with that bastard like the slut you are", he said angrily. How dare he call Ace a bastard. If anyone is bastard, it's him, It's you David!

"What do you want David?", I asked angrily. No one insults the man I love.

"Oh, you know very well. It's you and only you that I want".

"You know you can't have me. So stop day dreaming and if Ace knows you called me, he will kill you".

"Oh, so you will not come even when your dearest friend is near me?". What?! Siara? Did he take Siara? How? We told her not to go out without security.

"I don't believe you", I said strongly.

"Oh, you don't believe me? Then why don't you say hi to your friend?", he said and before I can ask him, Siara spoke.

"Cara, help me, please", she said and I can see she is on her knees begging me to help her. I know what he can do. How much he can torture people. I won't let that happen to her. I won't let him hurt her more. She is the only person who gave light in my life, when my world fell into darkness.

"Siara, Siara, do you hear me. I will come for you Siara, just hang on okay", I said and instead of her replying, I heard him say.

"You better come fast love. I will be waiting. Oh and don't tell that boyfriend of yours. Your friend may be in a big problem", he said while laughing evilly and hanged on. I looked at the called ID to see it's Siara's. He sent me the address on message.

I don't know what to do. Should I wake Ace and tell him everything. No! NO! David will hurt Siara. I should go. I don't have another choice. I got to the closet and wore the first clothing of pant that got in my hand. I got out and saw Ace's sleeping form.

I'm sorry Ace, but I love you so much. I wish I would have said that to you last night. I slowly kissed his sweet lips not wanting to wake him up and got out of the house. There will be full security, how should I escape?

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