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Ace Rodriguez's POV

"Ace", she moaned my name sexily.

I slipped my tongue into her mouth roaming myself around her mouth. I gripped her waist tightly pulling her even more close if possible and kissed her. She responded with same intensity.

I pulled away and and started kissing her neck, jaw and sucked on her sweet spot. She tilted her head for me to have more access and bit her lip to stop the moan, but however they kept coming. She looks so sexy right now, trying to stop moan and biting her lip.

"Mmm... mmm... Ace".

That just ignited me.

I followed kisses down to her valley of chest, but the stupid dress got int he middle.

I just tore it away kissing her down the valley and took one of her breasts in my mouth to pleasure. Her hands knoting in my hair. I flipped my tongue around her nipple and ran the tip of my tongue around it. Her skin is so soft, so good.

I did the same to the other one. But this time I bit it down and she screamed and moaned in pleasure. While the left one, I am pleasuring it with my right hand thumb and pinched it.

I please her breasts one after the another and the trailed down to kiss her stomach and the small bud hole in the middle of it. Her long black hair is falling all over the place.

"Baby, you are so beautiful... so, so beautiful", I said while kissing her inner thigh.

I tore off the lacy panties that she always used to seduce me.

I licked her pleasure place and dived my tongue in and out of her as she kept moaning my name. and pulling my hair form roots. She moved in and out of my mouth as she wanted more. I happily increased the speed knowing she wanted that.

"Cool baby slow, I can't take the speed", I teased her.

"Ace", she said in a warning tone as she sat up fast and unbuttoned my shirt... or should I say tore it and the buttons went flying, then she undid my jeans as she struggled with my belt. I just stood there laughing, enjoying the view of her naked body and watching her struggle to remove my belt.

"Isn't some one eager today", I teased with a smirk. She playfully glared at me and finally succeded in removing the belt and pants. I removed my boxers soon.

"Come here and make love to me you idiot or sleep in the couch for next week", she said as she pulled me to her.

"Yes man", I said in a sexy tone and sat on the bed and put her on my lap, in a way her straddling me. I put my neck in her head nervous about what I am going to do after our love making.

I put my thick shaft in her and she gasped. I pumped in and out slowly then matching to her pace.

"Ace... baby... faster...uugh... mmm ... harder... there... oh yes... right there... harder... baby...", she kept moaning which made me increase my speed as I held her to my chest. Our naked chest touching each others.

She looks so sexy, wanting more, begging me for more, her hair all over the place and her writhing under me.

I slowly took her hand without her noticing and put it on her finger. I looked at her and she didn't notice. I kissed her hand on the finger and put it down.

"Fuck...", I grunted as I kept pumping.

Her fingers dig into my back as she threw her head back and her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

"Ace... I am... going... to... cum", she said between moans.

"Yes baby... cum with me... cum for me", I said and we both cummed at a time. She put her head in my neck and I put my head on her head and caressed her hair.

This is how I wanted things to be. So good and peaceful. But I am not, cause I am nervous.

What will she say? Will she agree? Is it too fast? She is mine now anyways.

"Ace", she called out.

"Yes love".

"Are you okay? You seem tensed", she asked still her head in my neck.

"Nothing love", I said and kissed her fore head.

We just sat there in the same position for some time.

"Cara", I called her name slowly.


"I want to ask you something".


I pulled her to look at her, holding her face in my hands.

"Will you do something if ask you to do?", I asked her looking into her eyes. She looked confused, but then made a serious face and took my face in her hands.

"Yes. Anything", she said with so much emotion in her voice.

"Then marry me. Be mine. Only mine. Forever". Finally! I said it!

She looked taken aback.

"I want you. No, I need you Cara. I know, this is not the best romantic proposal ever, but this is who I am and sorry for not being the most romantic person. I love you. I love you so much and I want everyone to that you are mine", I said and kissed er fore head.

She has tears in her eyes.

"You filled light in my life Cara. You filled the emptiness in me Cara. You came into my life and everything changed for good. All the darkness vanished and I became a better person", I said kissing her lips lightly.

"Ace, I love you too. I love you so much", she said as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Not as much as I love you. Now tell me. Marry me".

"I will... I will", she said kissing me and we were both lost in the kiss.

We pulled away.

"Oh and for telling everyone I am yours, I think you already did it when last week you made a large banner saying I love you Cara. You are mine. Only mine with bold letters and hanged on one of your company buildings", she said as she hit my chest.

"What can I do about it, I am born possessive", I said kissing her finger that has her ring, which I slipped on it when we were making love. She saw it then and gasped.

"It's so beautiful. When?", she asked caressing it with her fingers. I took both of her hands and kissed

"When you are begging me to have you. Ace...faster... mmm... harder. Seriously it turns me on", I said mocking her which made her turn bright red.

"Idiot", she hit my chest.

"Yes, your idiot", I said kissing her cheek.

"Oh, but you should ask my brother first", she said.

"Oh I am sure he will accept" and we both laid down on the bed.

Zack and Cara became a good brother and sisters soon after the incident. it's been nine months since then. They clicked instantly. Zack lost his sister and form then on he mourned. He passed through a lot in his life. I hope he gets his happily ever after too.

Suddenly Cara pushed me and rushed to bathroom. I ran after her worried. I saw her vomiting. I helped and she said the words that made me the happiest man in the world.

"Ace Ia m pregnant".

I took her in my arms and swirled her around, lifting her up the ground.

"Thank you so much Cara. I love you". She giggled.

"I love you too".


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