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My heart is sill beating, faster than I thought it would ever run. I didn't know heart can beat so fast. And it was all due to a single kiss from my boss! Why am I not afraid of him? Why did I let him do that? What happened to me?

I quickly walked to my office fiercely opening the door and sitting in the chair. I need to forget what ever happened. I should focus on my work. I started working on my laptop trying not to think of what had happened.

I am so engrossed in work that I didn't notice some one coming into the office.

"Hey Cara", some one said and I startled and jumped in my seat. I looked up to see it's Mark. What is he doing here? I have myright hand on my heart.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just came to ask if you want to go for lunch. There is a good diner down. I was going I thought you might want to come", he said.

I looked at my wrist watch and it's 1.00 P.M. Why not go with him? I mean he is cute and sweet and looks like he wouldn't harm me.

"Yes I would love to come. Can I just have a minute? I will take my purse and come-".

"No, no it's okay. It's on me I will pay. Please", he said and I can't resist but nod.

We both went to the diner and I should say the food is so good. Even Mark is good. He made me smile not laugh, but still I smile very less. He made many jokes, if I was in the mood I would have laughed.

Even if I tried to forget about kiss it sneaks a way into my brain.

We ate and came back. Mark went to his work. I went to mine to do my work.

I was half way in completing the files when my intercom buzzed.

"Cara come to my office now", Ace's voice boomed through it. If a machine can break due to sound it would have broke. I am scared right now. What will he do?

I shakily stood up and took my notepad in case if he said something. I rushed back to his office shaking due to fear. Will he fire me? Will he shout? Will he hit me? Will he try something on me?

I knocked on the door and an angry come in voice said. I opened the door and saw a tabled with full of papers and files thrown down as if someone did it purposefully. I also saw a smashed phone on the white tiled floor.

He must be very angry I don't even want to look at him.

"S-s-sir why d-d-did you c-call me?", I asked looking down. I am scared of angry eyes.

"Where were you in lunch time?", he asked as he came near me. He is standing in front of me, his arms crossed.

"I went to the diner with Mark for lunch, but sir I did come on time. Please don't fire me sir", I said looking every where but him.

He held my arms tightly with his hands.

"Why did he take you? Why did you go with him?", he asked tightening his grip.

God, what is his problem?

"Sir it's lunch time and I don't know any place here to eat, so when he said he know a diner down I went", I said trying to come out of his grip.

"You could have asked me and I would have took you", he said as he moved his hands away from my arms and I quickly took a step back.

"How can I ask you sir? You are my boss", I said taking another step back.

He took one front. "Cara if you ever call me sir again, I will kiss those sweet lips senselessly and I said to you before sending you to your cabin, that you can ask me if you have any doubts", he said as he pinned me to the wall of his office.

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