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-Cara Jones POV

After Five Years

"Ace no go out, you can't meet her, now!", Siara shouted at Ace while I sat in the corner of the room, so Ace can't see me and my hair stylist is doing my hair as it got spoiled in the last minute by Anthony, one of the twins who are two years old.

"Siara, move aside and let me in! What are you doing?! And why is she taking a lot of time?! She should be ready half-an-hour before. Let me in! Now!", Ace screamed.

"No, you can't! Now go! It's not a good sign for groom to see the bride before the marriage!", she said while blocking from entering the door. I stood up from my place and adjusted my white gown that Ace himself selected for me.

"Ace, go and wait. I will be coming soon", I said from this side of the door.

"Love, tell Siara to move out of my way or I will myself lift and put her out of my way. I want to see you. I want to know everything is all right", he said while pushing the door to open which Siara is pushing back.

"God! This man is like a bull dozer! He weighs so much!", Siara said pushing the door to close with the help of her whole body.

"Ace go! I will come in five minutes!", I said and he stopped pushing the door.

"Okay, I will be waiting near the alter for two minutes, if you don't come, I will throw you over my shoulder and take you there. Got it!", he said and before I can reply, I hear his foot steps walking away.

"Phew! Cara are you ready? I can't push him again this time", Siara said. I laughed at her.

"Yeah almost there", I said and took a last look at myself in the mirror.

I can't believe, it's finally my day, our day. My wedding with Ace and our little Alexander is the best man. He is now four years old. Time flew by so fast. I can feel tears at the end of my eyes.

I am so nervous. Although we only invited Siara, Mark who is now Siara's boyfriend, they instantly clicked when they met and now my brother Zack. He even threatened Ace like a real brother that if Ace made me cry, he will kick him in the balls. He is like the brother I always wanted to have.

"Mommy! Mommy!", Alexander came running to me and panting. He is four years old and elder than all. He looks so cute in his black suit and pants with a black bow near his neck. Just as I bend down to lift him in my arms, Siara stopped me.

"No. Now we don't want the dress to be ruined or even the make up", she said. I looked back at Alex.

"Alex, baby, what happened?", I bend down to his level while caressing his face.

"Daddy said to tell you that you have only one minute left ow he will come hewe and thow you ovew his shouldew", he said in his cute baby voice and ran back fast.

"God! That man is obsessive! Now move or he will do what he said", Siara said and I laughed.

"Okay", I said and we walked out of the room.

I stood at he end of the aisle and I feel nervous. My palms are sweating. Siara is my braids maid. She is looking pretty in her white dress. My dress is sleeve less and starts from my chest.

Zack will be walking me down the aisle.

"Ready Cara?", he asked while smiling lightly at me. I looked at him and nodded back.

I looked up to see Ace standing proudly in black suit and pants with white shirt inside and a black bow. I looked beside him and saw Alex just like him. Beside Alex stood twins in the same dressing style.

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