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A small change:

I am sorry, but guys there is a small plot change. I think David came soon into their lives. I know things are going super fast between them. So, what I am saying is The story is fast forwarded five months. 

I mean you all remember our Cara and Ace coming from the island after opening a little about their feelings to each other right? And David comes the same day into their lives... Well......David comes after five months after they came from the island.

It's because, in these five months they will also have time for each other to know more about each other.

Sorry for the plot change, but I think it's better. If you didn't understand what I am trying to say, please check untitled part 16. Hope you guys like it! Now you can continue with the reading:)

Cara Jones POV

"Cara.....Cara wake up", a voice called. What's so rush? Why don't they let me sleep? Ugggh.

"CAAAAAAARAAAAAAAA.............", the voice shouted in my ear. I starteled and sat up to look up at the person.

"What the hell Siara!?", I shouted at her.

"Come, you can shout on me later, but you have to come with me right now", she said dragging me out of bed and taking me out of the bed room and to the living room.

"Siara when did you come?", I asked her while walking out of the rooms.

"Just today afternoon. Ace made me shift here. He told me everything, what David did, what you did. Everything. About which I need to talk to you, but right now, let's go to my suit, in which Ace is letting me live. A FREAKING SUIT. I just love it. But there is something important I need to do".

She dragging me while telling em all this. We came out of pent house to see there are two guards in high alert. I looked back to see there are another two. May be Ace is talking extra care about the security. God how much I love this man. May be it's time I should say it to him.

It's been five months and he is patiently waiting. I know he was a playboy before, but he is still giving me time as much as I want. Showered me with love and care, which I always wanted. A smile instantly made it's way on my face while thinking about him.

Wait! Where is he now? I started to panic. May be Siara saw it.

"What happened Cara why did you stop?", she asked turning back.

"Ace! Where is Ace? I didn't see him when I am awake", I said and feel my eyes water. Did David do something to him? Is that why Siara dragging me outside?

"Babes..Cool okay. Nothing happened. He said he had some work and he will be coming tonight. So take a chill pill, okay", she said while squeezing my both shoulders. I quieted down a bit. I hope he is okay. I let out a breathe and Siara again dragged me to lift and we went to her suit.

Wow! It's super. Not as good as Ace's but it's cool.

"Super, isn't it?", she asked excitedly with her big eyes. I smiled at her.

"Yeah. It's superb". I said turning around checking the room out once again.

"Good what I say for two hours okay", she said while coming near me. I am confused.

"What?". She rolled her eyes.

"God, you ask a lot of questions", she said while pushing me to a room and locked the door as soon as she pushed me in that room. I banged on the door to asking her to open the door. God this girl is crazy! I huffed and turned back only to be gobsmacked.

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