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Credit to artist (unknown)

"Y/N L/N! Come here!" Your mother called you out. You were 16 at this time, being called to come home and eat arroz and chicharrones. You loved eating your mom's dinner. You entered and took a seat at the dining room.

"Mija, where were you? Look how dirty your outfit is now." Your mom asked, quiet bothered by your dirty and messy dress.

"Lo siento mama, I was finishing a painting. I'll take a bath later." You explained.

"You better. We are gonna have a guest here tonight." Your mom explained.

"Really? Who?" You asked curiously.

"No lo se. He's from America, up in the north. He might know something about your maldicion." Your mom said. Maldicion, curse in spanish. You were born with this strange ability that allowed you to walk on water and break walls. It was strange. Everyone you meet has at least witnessed it's power. It was even considered as a curse. You thought the same thing too. So getting rid of it would be a blessing to this family.

"Que bueno." You said happily. Soon, there was a knock on the door. Your mom went to open it. You expected your dad, who would come back from work by this time. However, it was a tall man. He looked pretty old. He resembled as Indiana Jones. He had teal eyes and grey hair. He was very tall.

"Buenas noches, senorita! Soy Joseph Joestar!" He said, with a bad accent. You cringed. "I came to check on Y/N L/N. Is she here?" He asked. Your mom nodded, pointing at you. You were a bit scared of seeing this man. You're very shy around people. He walks to where you were seated, and kneels down to you.

"Why hello miss. I came to check out what curse you have. Can you demonstarte it for me outside?" He asked. You were nervously shaking, afraid of what he might do to you. He noticed how you were trembling in fear, so he gave you a warm smile. "Don't worry miss. I won't hurt you. But if you hurt me, just know I will be fine." He said. You didn't know what to say, but in the end, you decided to do what he said. You walked outside and find something to hit at. You saw there was a rock, with a flower about to bloom through its cracks. You walked to it, and took a deep breathe. You raised your hand up high, and gave it force to slam it on the rock. The impact causes it to crack in two parts, leaving the flower undamaged.

"Wow, I see." Mr. Joestar says. You turned around to hear what he must say. "You are also a hamon user." Your eyes immediately popped wide opened. You have heard about hamon before. Especially when it comes to history class. You learned how the Aztec Gods have killed many of the hamon users. But you never knew that what you had was hamon. You thought it was something that needs to be trained.

"She has hamon?" Your mother asked him.

"Yes, she does. Just like me. Your daughter might be one of the last hamon users in the world." He explained.

"My goodness... I can't keep her here." Your mother said. You looked at her shock. She looked at you with sad eyes. "I can't have her here...not like this. She has already caused so much damage to this place and may end up killing someone." You couldn't believe your ears. Your own mother doesn't want you to be with her. "My daughter can't have this awful curse for her rest of her life." Your mother cried.

"Don't worry ma'am. There is no need to cry. In fact, I have a request to make." Mr. Joestar said.

"You do?" Your mom looked up at him.

"Yes. I was wondering if you allow me to take your daughter to my travel. She can be a huge help and I can train her to become stronger. Once she is able to control her hamon, she will be returned to you." He explained.

"That will be great. I don't want my daughter to cause any trouble. If she manages to control it, please return her back. I don't want to lose her either." Your mother explained.

"That is only if Y/N accepts my request as well. Y/N?" Mr. Joestar looks at you. You took your time to think about it. Your mother doesn't want you here, but thats because she doesn't want you to become a criminal/monster. And she definietly wants you to be safe. If you learn to control hamon, you can live like you used to before. No more damage. Besides, hamon users were considered heroic. This might be fun to learn.

"Yes." You agreed. Your mother hugged you tightly, apologizing for what she agreed to do with you. But you gave her an understanding nod.

"By the way, uhm Mrs. L/N." Mr. Joestar called out your mom. The two of you turn to look at him. "What your daughter has is no curse, it's a blessing." He said, looking at the flower that once was blooming, that is now surrounded with more flowers.

Hamon is no curse, it was a blessing. You were born with a blessing.

Jotaro x Reader: The Last Hamon UserWhere stories live. Discover now