French Vs. Egyptian

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"And now we're about to cross India..." Mr. Joestar said. "But, well, I'm a little worried." He says as he scratches his bearded chin with his finger, with a crooked grin. "My image of India is a place where people only eat curry and you could fall ill at any time."

"I'm worried that my body may noy be able to handle the culture gap. " Polnareff added.

"Hahaha, this assessment is rather distorted. You need not to worry. It's a nice country, where simple people live. I can guarantee it." Avdol chuckled calmly. 

"I believe you Avdol. After all, you know how these things work." You added. You never gone to India before. But you have heard some rumors. The boat stops on the bay. Avdol holds on the door handle to welcome us to india. 

"Well, we're in Calcutta, let's go!" Avdol exclaimed. 

All of the sudden loud noises accumulate your surroundings. You and your team are crushed by a crowded group of people. You hear cars honking, people chattering, and even farm animals. 

"Hey, give me a tip!" A little boy exclaims at you. 

"Let me carry that for you!" A man offers to carry Polnareff's bag.

"Want a tattoo? You are so pretty." An old man compliments to a confused Kakyoin.

"Need som anti-venom? It won't hurt your stomach!" A man talks with Mr. Joestar. "I'll show you a hotel!" Another man comes up.

You were getting overwhelmed by the group of people. You felt a kid tugging your shirt, pressuring you to give a tip. You were getting annoyed but you also didn't want to show your frustration in a rude way to a little kid. 

"AHH I stepped on cow shit!" Polnareff screams in disgust. Your face awkwardly distorts to a disgusted face, sympathizing Polanerff's emotions right now. 

"I don't need any of that, thank you!" Mr. Joestar told both of the men who spoke to him. 

"DAMN IT! My wallet's already been stolen!" Kakyoin groans in a sad tone. You feel bad. 

"TIP TIP TIP!" The kids kept pulling your shirt. At some point, they were doing the same to Jotaro. You noticed Jotaro was handling it pretty well. At least, that's how it looked like. All of the sudden, a trouble making kid pulls your hair. 

"AH! ESO DUELE! (That hurts!)" You scream in pain. 

"Oh- S-sorry! I just want some money please!" The kid speaks in an innocent tone, making him sound as if he didn't just pull your hair on purpose. You clenched your teeth, trying not to explode. You refused to yell at a little kid. But Jotaro didn't seem to have that problem. 

"Hey Kid, Watch what you're doing. Keep your dirty hands to yourself. Or else...." Jotaro threatened the kid. The kid seemed to get the message and quickly moved on tugging Avdol's clothes. 

"A-avdol? Is this India?" Mr. Joestar asks for confirmation. 

"See? Isn't it a great country?" Avdol chuckles. "This is what makes this country so wonderful!"

We finally managed to escape from the crowd. You walk beside Kakyoin and Jotaro. You look at Jotaro, thinking of a way to thank him for defending you from....a little kid? It sounds silly to thank him for that. But you felt like you needed to show him your gratitude. At last, your team stopped at a yellow building. You all enter and take a seat on one of the tables. 

"Here, have this. This is chai. A popular drink in India." Mr. Joestar states.

"So chai tea?" Polnareff asks curiously.

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