To Japan

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Credit to artist essor0706 in tumblr

You were now 17 years old. YOu have spent with Mr. Joestar in his business traveling for almost a year. You still needed help on hamon. And you were still shy around him. Yeah, he knows you a lot and you have been with him all the time, but you were still quiet and a shy girl.

And just a few days ago, you got yourself a stand. Yes, a stand. Apparently, Dio, Mr. Joestar's uncle, was behind all of this. He was still alive and it seems he wants revenge. So he gave you a stand as well. Which was weird, especially since you weren't related to the JoJos. Either way, you ended up naming your stand Tombstone. She resembled a lot to the Aztec's. She has the ability to manipulate any object into a differet shape and form. It was great, considering you are an artist yourself.

Right now, you were doodling some stuff on your sketchbook. Becoming an artist was your passion, especially after watching so many disney movies. You were interested at the movements and colors. You decided to draw a bird for today. Currently, you are outside in the park. Everyone was passing by and there were no interruptions. There were a lot of birds in New York. To be more specific, a lot of pigeons. You tried to be quiet and not to scare the birds away. You began try to keep steady and draw quickly before it flies away. But then....


"AHH!!!" You screamed. The birds flew away. You were sad about it. But Mr. Joestar called out for you. Might as well listen to what he needs to say. You turned around, looking at him. He noticed your expression, and soon apologized.

"Sorry Y/N. Didn't mean to bug you. I have received some news. It's from my daughter, Holly!" He said. You have heard of Holly Kujo. She was Mr. Joestar's daughter. She lives in Japan and has a son named Jotaro. YOu never met both of them. So it was strange to hear this out.

"What is it about?" You asked confused.

"You see, Jotaro is in jail and we might have to be the ones to get him out." He explained.

"Us? Why us?" You asked.

"He might have a stand too."


"So we are going to Japan right now." He said.

"Huh? But Mr. Joestar, I haven't packed up my stuff yet." You told him.

"Don't worry. The maids have done that for you. Now let's go!" He said. You grabbed your sketchbook and quickly follow him onto a taxi.

"Is Avdol coming with us?" You asked. Avdol was like a father to you. He was always there to make you feel safe and heal any injuries.

"Oh yes he will. "

"Yah, i can't wait." You said happy.

In Japan

You and Avdol were seated down while Mr. Joestar was looking for Holly.

"I remember when my chicken layed an egg, but accidentally let it fall. She was sad for two weeks straight." Avdol said.

"Oh poor chicken.... thst's so sad." you said, on the verge of tears.

"now now, no need to cry dear. She soon became happy when she layed another egg. She didn't let it fall this time."

"I'm glad to hear that." you said

"PAPA! PAPA!" You heard from a woman, who was heading towards Mr. Joestar.

"Holly, my daughter, how I missed you." He greeted her. The two of them hugged

"You came!"

"Of ocurse. I could travel the world within 24 hours."

"I missed you papa. Where's mama?"

"She complained. But I told Suzie that it was a business trip for Joestar Real Estate Agency."

"I see." Said the woman, still hugging her father. Not letting go.

"Oi, Holly. Let go already of me already!"

"No. Its been forever since you've held me, papa" She said back

"Look at you....You're a 45 year old woman. How can you talk like that?"

"Now you done it! I'm gonna tickle you!" She said, as she begins to tickle Mr. Joestar. He lets out a huge shriek, one that gets everyone's attention. "What are all of you staring at?" He yelled, scaring the people away.

"Now, let me help you with your bag." She said, grabbing Mr. Joestar's bag.

"Holly. About Jotaro. Are you certain he said evil spirit?" He asks. She takes a moment to think what to say, and then lets go of the bag and kneels down. She covers her eyes with her hands, showing how worried she is for her son.

"Oh my dear Jotaro. The police men said they didn't see it but I clearly saw it. I saw a separate arm. And it grabbed the gun" She explained.

"So when you and they were there, you were the only one to see this spirit?" He asked


"He said he has been recently possessed, but nothing happened to you?" He asks.

"No. But Jotaro said he won;t leave until he knows what's going on. What should I do papa?" She asked him.

"There there my beloved daughter. I, Joseph Joestar, is here. You don't have to worry about it." He then snaps his fingers, telling us to follow him. Here we are, in Japan.

"By the way, who are these people? Are they your friends papa?" She asked.

"Oh. Why yes. I asked them to come with me."

"More like you made us come with you...." Avdol whispered to you, which made you giggle. "My name is Avdol."

"And mine is Y/N." You told her.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Y/N and Avdol." She said, giving the both of us a warm smile. "I am glad to know Papa didn't come alone all they way here."

"We are just as happy to be here." Avdol spoke up.

"Now let'ts hurry up. And see my grandson Jotaro." Mr. Joestar says.

Jail Cell

"Japan is so amazing." You said to Avdol. He nodded in agreement. "It is. The place has many wonders."

"I wonder if we'll go to a Sutaba." You wondered.

"Perhaps sometime later." Avdol said.

"Take us to my grandson!" Mr. Joestar told the policemen.

"Uhm, who sir?"

"Jotaro Kujo!"

"R-right. We'll take you to his cell." The policemen nervously said.

"So far, Mr. Joestar has been scaring almost everyone." You said.

"It would seem he doesn't like being in Japan."

"Probably... let's follow him and meet Jotaro." You said, as you followed Mr. Joestar and Holly to Jotaro's cell.

Arriving there, the policemen said not to get too close. He began to mutter. "H-how terrifying. He's got more stuff than again. And it's violent. There's something terrifying possessing him.... If anyone outisde found out about this, I'd lose my job in a heartbeat."

"Don't worry, I'll be taking my grandson home." Mr. Joestar said.

"Grandson?" Jotaro Kujo repeated.

You moved aside to see what was going on. The policemen tried to stop you and Mr. Joestar from getting closer. Thankfully, Mr. Joestar has incredible strength, and he was able to hold the men and throw them aside. You  were able to get a better view of the cell. There were a lot of stuff in it: books, toys, food, radio, coffee, and more. It was crazy. It looked like anyone's bedroom.

"Jotaro, this is your grandfather. Let him help you." Holly said.

The two Joestars just stared at each other. There wasn't a sudden move. Not yet.....

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