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"Gosh, what's the deal with these cramped rooms? It's so small in here. I hate Japan." Mr. Joestar complained.

"Told you." Avdol said out loud to you. All you did was groan. "Fine, I'll buy the popsicles for you." You sighed in defeat.

"Wait, you guys made a bet?" Mr. Joestar asked, puzzled to what happened.

"Yes, I told Y/N that if you complained about being in Japan, she has to buy me popsicles." Avdol explained.

"But why was this even a big deal? I mean, what's the point on that bet?" 

"Well....almost everywhere we go sir, you start by complaining about the place." You shyly said.

"What? I don't know what you are talking about." Mr. Joestar said, defensive. 

"Mr. Joestar, do you remember when we went to China for the first time?" You asked him. He puts  finger under his chin, making a complexed face. He was trying to remember, but just shrugged. "You complained that the toddlers are not suppose to walk naked outside."

"Oh! Of course. Poor kids have their small butts freezing to death." Mr. Joestar said.

"S-sir, they are called kaidangku. They are used instead of diapers." You explained.

"So they let the poor kids leave poop all over the streets?" He complained

"He's doing it again...." You muttered to Avdol, who giggles with you.

"Still stand my point. This place is awful." Mr. Joestar adds.

"Mr. Joestar, you should respect Japan's way of living. You will know it's not so bad." You said to him.

"After all, this place is quiet peaceful." Avdol added.

"What are you even doing Avdol?" Mr. Joestar asks, curious to what Avdol is even doing.

"It is quite fascinating...This thing they call "the tea ceremony"." Avdol explained.

"Oooooh. That's really interesting." You said. Your eyes shined brightly, twinkling with stars as you are amazed. This is also why Avdol and Mr. Joestar think you are adorable. You get easily amazed by things.

"Tea ceremony, nothing! Instant coffee is plenty good!" Mr. Joestar exclaims. He then start to make himself coffee. All you did was watch. You weren't a fan of coffee, but you did like tea. 

"Avdol, can you teach me how to make myself tea?" You asked, shyly. You were a bit embarrassed for asking.

"Of course! At least someone thinks making tea is amazing!" Avdol said, making sure Mr. Joestar know he was talking about him. 

"Hm. Whatever. Coffee is better." Mr. Joestar mumbled loudly. You giggled. After Avdol taught you how to do "the tea ceremony", you made your very own. You successfully did it. 

"Good job! You did it, Y/N!" Avdol said to you, giving you a thumbs up.

"Yes I did. Thanks Avdol!" You smiled at him. You began to drink the warm tea. It tasted delicious. And it was very peaceful indeed. 

"Mr. Joestar, about Dio..." Avdol said. Everything got quiet. You stopped drinking your tea, and Mr. Joestar stopped making his coffee. There was barely any sound. Not even a cricket. Or the wind.

"As we know about Dio's existence, can we assume he knows about us and here?" Avdol asks.

".....Yes. But if we don't knowwhat he's going to do, or even know what his powers are...." Mr. Joestar drinks his coffee after he said that. "BLEEEHHH. JAPANESE COFFEE TASTES TERRIBLE!" He whined. 

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