It's A Girl!

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Credit to artist e-gyuu from Tumblr

"And that's what Hamon is." You said, finishing your explanation to Kakyoin and Polnareff. 

"Ooooooh! I still don't get it... But it's like an extra power?" Polnareff asked.

"Yeah. I was born with Hamon." You stated.

"Oh my... " Kakyoin said.

"So you can walk on water like Jesus?" Polnareff asked.

"uhm....yes?" You nodded.

"Cool!" Polnareff exclaimed.

"Alrighty now! The boat as come! Let's get in now." Mr. Joestar announced. The boat has arrived to take you all to Singapore. You followed everyone else to the boat. Once you got on, you could feel the heat radiate on you. Beside you, it was Jotaro, who was wearing his coat still. He and Kakyoin were sitting on some seats to relax on.  

"H-hey Jotaro. A-aren't you hot in that thing?" You asked him. 

"Hm?" All he managed to say.

"Seriously...guys...Can't you do something about those school uniforms?" Mr. Joestar said to them. He was changed from his usual attire. You agreed with him. It was burning hot. "You're going to continue our journey wearing those? Isn't it ridiculously hot?" 

"Well, we are students...And students should behave as students. But I suppose that sounds like a stretch..." Kakyoin explains. 

"Hm. Japanese students are such stiffs." Mr. Joestar said.

"There he goes again...complaining about foreign culture..." You chuckled with Avdol. 

"And you too Y/N!" Mr. Joestar said.

"huh? Me? What about me?" You were confused.

"What are you doing wearing that? Take it off, will ya? It's hot." He said.

"W-well there isn't a need to. I was born in pretty warm climates, so I can resist this heat. Trust me, I'll be f-fine." You said.

"Oh please, I can tell you are sweating..." Mr. Joestar pointed out.


"No buts! Take it off! I don't want you to faint in the middle of the ocean." Mr. Joestar instructed.

"F-fine...." You did what you were told. As you take off your sweater, Jotaro opens his eyes to see you strip. He was taken back by it. He didn't expect to see you do that. But soon calmed down, realizing you had a tank  top underneath it. He could feel two eyes staring at him. Kakyoin was smirking at Jotaro the whole time. 

"What are you staring at, frog face?" Jotaro insulted Kakyoin.

"Oh nothing~" Kakyoin said, returning back to his book.

"Oh I this is Bushido. Once you clear your mind, even fire seems cool." Avdol mentioned.

"But you know, girls won't fall stiffs like you." Polnareff added. 

"Oh please guys. Let them dress whichever way they want. If they get a heat stroke, we'll be able to heal them. And they will probably listen to us next time-" You explained, but suddenly heard some voices.

"Let go! Let go of me! You big lug! Damn it, let me go! Let me go!" A kid cried out.

"Shut up! What a little brat!" The man holding onto the kid said. 

"Oi! What's going on?" Mr. Joestar asks the man. "I thought we agreed there'd be no passengers on our boat." 

"Sorry. It's a stowaway." The man stated.

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