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Credit to artist atylerf from Tumblr

"IT'S BEEN HOURS ALREADY!!" Polnareff exclaimed.

It was already late. The sun was getting down. Kakyoin's Hierophant Green comes back from the vents of the ship. "It's inconceivable." Kakyoin said. "I had Hierophant Green search everywhere, but I can't find any signs of life."

"We've seached the pipes, vents, crevice, and crates and nothing!" You exclaimed. Everyone was very confuse at this point. You look at Jotaro, who seems to be thinking about something. His eyes turn to you, to which you flinch. 

"What?" Jotaro asks.

"N-nothing...You just seemed a bit distracted..." You said.

"Just depth in thought. There has to be something."  He says. You nod in agreement. That's when a light bulb appeared over your head. (Yes, you have an idea...)

"The orangaton!" You said loudly in a whisper. Only Jotaro heard you.

"What about it? It's in a stupid cage." Jotaro said

"No! The orangaton is somehow alive and well, remember? Apes are one of the most intelligent species. So  if we find how to survives, we can find clues to connect. Not to mention.....before I left.....the orangaton gave off a creepy vibe to me.....We should go and check it out!" You whispered loudly to him.

"Tch.....fine. Let's go." He said, rolling his eyes. Both of you walk back to the control room, where the orangaton would be....only to find out.....

"It's Gone!" You exclaimed. 

"Hm......So the orangaton is smart...." Jotaro said.

"Wait, look. There are things in the cage." You said, pointing it out. You walk near the cage and look at what the stuff were. "Magazine, knife, and a......cigar?" 

"That ape shouldn't have gone too far. Let's go around and find him." Jotaro said. Asthe two of you were spread apart, you went to where the radio room was. You pass by the open door and find something gruesome. All sailor men were killed. Mr. Joestar told them not to t near electrical machines. You were shocked by the seen. You shook your head and quickly walked away. You wanted to that image get out of your head. As you continued to walk, you hear water. Perhaps a shower. You went there to check. It was a room for people to take a shower. ONce you enter the room, you find the little girl....and....

"HEY! YOU BIG HOMOSAPIEN FURRY!" You yelled. You saw what the orangaton was about to do. The little girl was naked, with only a towel covering her private parts. Disgusting. You wanted to punch the hell out of that animal. This isn't animal abuse....this is justice. The orangaton turns around to look at you. It sames eyes as before made you shiver. That creepy sensation was back again. And you hated it. It was all quiet. And out of nowhere, the ap sprungs at you. The unexpected act surprised you, but allowed you to act on time. You jumped into the air and kicked the orangaton's face. Blood came out of it's mouth. as you landed back to the ground, the ape pushes itself to your body, pushing you to wall. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" The little girl screamed. You were a little dizzy. As your vision was returning, you see the ape getting closer to you. Your reaction time was slow by one second, and the ape was ready to give you a punch. But unexpectangly. the orangaton gets hit in the face by something. You look up to see who it was: Jojo.

"JOJO!!" You and the girl screamed. The ape ends up with a bloody wound on its head. It tried to leave but Jojo throws at him a lock. It hits the ape again, but grabs onto Jotaro's collar to gain balance.

"This no ordinary ape." Jotaro said. "Could this ape be...." 

Before Jojo could say anything, the orangaton tries to attack first. Jojo releases Star Platinum. His stand gives the ape a great punch. Soon, a fan from the roof starts to act up. You look as it detaches from it's pole and flies to Jotaro. The fan immedietly cuts through Jojo's shoulders.

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