The Captain

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Credit to unknown artist

"Him....the Stand user?" You questioned Jotaro.

"Sta...nd? What might that be?" The Capatin asked confused. 

"That's inconceivable, Jotaro! Captain Dragon came recommended with verification by Speedwagon Foundation." Avdol said. "He's someone we should trust. There is 0% chance that he's a Stand User." 

"Hold on, a Stand? I have no idea what you're talking about..." The Captain was clueless. Or at least was acting clueless. 

"Jojo, random guesses will only make things more confusing!" Polnareff yelled.

"Do you have any proof, Jojo?" Kakyoin asks Jotaro.

"I've found a way to differentiate Stand users from other people." Jotaro states.

"Yo-you have?!" You asked.

"Yes. If a Stand user inhales even a little bit of cigarette smoke, a vein pops up on the tip of their nose." Jotaro states. Everyone suddenly touch their noses. But you suddeny realize something.

"J-jotaro....are you seriously....Hehe, hehehehe." You began to giggle.

"Y/N, why are you laughing? Jotaro, you are being serious, right?" Polnareff asks confused.

"Nah, I was just kidding." Jotaro said.

"More like a prank." You laughed. "But at least he fell for it." You said.

"That's right. We found the idiot." Jotaro said, staring at the Captain with distaste. The Captain was also touching his nose. Everyone jumped in fear and shock, except the little girl. She was confused to why some grown men suddenly jumped in fear. 

The Captain then starts to make a menacingly creepy exprssion on his face. It was creepy and gross. "Jotaro, how did you know it was the Captain?" Mr. Joestar asks.

"He didn't." You stated.

"I'm sorry what?" Kakyoin asked for an explanation.

"Never thought it was him. I planned to try this with all of the men on board." Jotaro explained.

"You're cold. Damn, but you're cold. You're right. I'm not the captain. The real captain is already sleeping with the fishes at the ocean's bottom back in Hong Kong." The Captain confessed.

"Then you can sleep at the bottom of Hell!" Jotaro threatened. The Captain gives a creepy smirk, and soon, the little girl gets taken by the leg, from the sea creature Stand from before. He was taking her as hostage.

"Damn it!" You all screamed. 

"I-I can't move..." The little girl said, as the Stand hold her tightly to it's chest. 

"T-That's his Stand!" You screamed.

"That's right little miss. The name for my Stand is Dark Blue Moon. Amazing and elegant~" The Captain said. "If I tried to take six of you at once, even I'd break a bone or two, so I was going to hide my identity and take care of you one by one...But if you've figured me out, I guess I have no choice. I'll have to take on all six of you!"

"Mierda!" You cussed under your breathe.

"Getting my hands on this girl is a sign that my luck is changing for the better! I'm going to jump into these sharks infested waters with her. Of course, you guys will end up following us in. If we fight in the water, where I have the advantage, I can beat all six of you!"

"Don't underestimate us by taking her as hostage!" You yelled at the Captain.

"Don't think that I, Jotaro Kujo, will be shaken by this!" Jotaro exclaimed. 

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