Hanged Man

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Art made by: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/544417

The truck was flipping over in the air. And though it was okay for Kakyion and Polnareff, it wasn't for you. They both had their seatbelts on. So you had to desperately jold onto Polnareff.  The truck falls upside down onto the ground. There was glass everywhere and metal shards. Thankfully, your stand managed to punch any metal material from stabbing through yours and the boys' body. The three of you managed to get out of the truck by crawling. 

"Noriaki Kakyoin!" You yelled angrily. 

"First name bases now, heh?" Polnareff joked, groaning in pain. 

"Callate!" You shut him up. "Kakyoin, why the heck did you flip the truck?!"

"I had to. And I told you to keep your seatbelts on, like a good lil passenger." Kakyoin said, sarcastically speaking at the last part. 

"I would be a good lil passenger if there were enough seatbelts!!! THIS TRUCK ONLY HAS TWO SEATS!" You complained. 

"Maybe you should've made yourself your own seatbelt instead of pulling my hair..." Polnareff added. 

"I probably would have used Tombstone.....IF I HAD TIME TO REACT!!" You complained even more. "Huh?!" You gasped. Your eye managed to catch a line of flashing light from the broken window. And from the window, it jumped to a the side mirrors, and to the bottom reflective edge of the truck: the bumper.  

"Pero que- Polnareff!" You screamed. Polnareff looks up and sees the Hanged Man in the reflection, as if the stand was right behind him. 

"Silver Chariot!" Polnareff yells out his Stand. Silver Chariot cuts the bumper into 13 pieces. Four of them being super small pieces. 

"Kakyoin! Polnareff! We need to get away from anything that's reflective!" You shouted. The three you quickly ran off, hiding behind a massive rock. In fear, the three you of were gasping for air. "Chicos (boys), I think I get it now." You said. "He's going from mirror to mirror. He moves by jumping from one reflective surface to another! Just how light works!" 

"So he traveled all this way by reflecting over and over!" Polnareff added.

"Reflecting? He's not like light, he IS light! That means he's actually light!" Kakyoin concluded.

"Que extraño. (How strange). But it's the only explanation! He was just in the car's bumper! The thing is....since Polnareff did that, he might just reflect and jump over each piece of the car's bumper...and somehow into something else. We have to make sure not to go near anything that's reflective." You stated. 

"Uhm..Y/N....your hoops. They are reflective!" Kakyoin pointed out. You gasped in realization. 

"Quick! Take anything off your body that reflects!" Polnareff exclaimed. The three of you removed your earrings and put them away. 

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice was heard. The three of you look up to see a little boy with an orange bandana and yellow t-shirt. "Want me to bring some medicine or something?" 

"Oye! Detente! (Stop!) Don't get close to us!" You shouted.

"It's dangerous, so get out of here!" Polnareff shouted. 

"Hey, your car's totally messed up..." The boy mentioned. 

"Si, si, you see, my friend here was learning how to drive. He needs his license soon. He has a long way to go." You jokingly lied, wanting to make the kid less invested. Kakyoin gave you a glare. "Perdóname. (Forgive me)" You whispered to him. You managed to catch a glimpse of a flashing light. You suspected that the enemy has jumped from something else now. 

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