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Credit to artist Clever Dana on Instagram, Youtube, Wattpad, Facebook, and Deviantart (I AM EVERYWHERE)

A/N: I deleted the previous version of this as I found it useless. And i wanted the story to be more close to the manga/anime. So I am going to end this by making it more simple.

"Y/N WAKE UP!!" Kakyoin shouts.

"Huh?! What happened? I- I was dreaming-"

"You were in a deep sleep to keep you away from us. We are being attacked by a stand user." Kakyoin explained.

"Huh?! B-but I swore I had fought with a stand user" You muttered, looking around the train. Everything is quiet and the cart is fully empty.

"Kakyoin, where is everyone?" You asked worried and confused.

"There in the other cart. They are fighting with the stand user." Kakyoin responded.

You quirked your eyebrows. "But....i don't hear anything. There is nothing coming out of that cart!"

"That's the thing! You weren't waking up because te stand user made us mute!" Kakyoin explained.

"Mute?? As in not being able to speak?" You questioned.

"More as in....not being able to make any noise. The stand user seems to have wanted you to fall asleep so he could take you away from us. He made himself soundless so we wouldn't wake up."

"But did you manage to know he was here? Without a noise?" You asked.

"You were resting beside Jotaro. Jojo was able to feel your body move. He immediately woke up." Kakyoin explained.

"Huh?" You gasped. You have forgotten you were leaning on Jotaro, sleeping together. The realization hit you and made you blush. Thankfully it was dark so your red cheeks were not visible. "We need to help them!"

"Yes! But Avdol had instructed me to take you away from them. I'm afraid I can't let you leave the cart." Kakyoin explained.

"Oh Avdol, he has always been so protective of me....but I can't let him, Jotaro, Polnareff, and Mr. Joestar fight without our help!" You exclaimed.

"They asked me to take you away since the battle was becoming difficult as it goes. How do you suggest we help?" Kakyoin asked.

You remembered that dream you had. You had to make some noise. You figured that maybe if you alert and make everyone in the train wake up, commotion will occur.

"Let's wake up everyone on this train!" You shouted.

"W-what?! Are you insane?!" Kakyoin shouts.

"Maybe! But I remembered that I fought this dude in my dream! He wanted me to stay in that sleep but also preventing me from moving! But think about this....why would he care if he made any noise??? He can just fight me and take me if he is that powerful."

"What are you saying??" Kakyoin tried to understand.

"He clearly has a weakness. Listen, I used to be the quietest kid in class. Mostly because I was embarrassed or too shy. But why would I be shy about?" You asked, making him connect the reasoning.

"Because you hated attention??" Kakyoin guessed.

"BINGO! BUEN TRABAJO! The stand user must have social anxiety! Just like me, hahahaha!" You exclaimed.

"That makes sense. But what if he doesn't have that fear?" Kakyoin asked.

"There's only one way to find out. Kakyoin, can you use your stand to travel..noise???" You asked.

Jotaro x Reader: The Last Hamon UserWhere stories live. Discover now