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Credit to unknown artist

(A/N: I am trying my best at making more scenarios with Jotaro. I'm not the best at this, so I'm so so sorry if this doesn;t come out as good as you want it to be. If you have any comments tosay, please do so. I would like to hear you out. Alright, back to the story!)

You were eating some dinner that Seiko (Holly) made for all of us. You were getting easily bored and tired. 

"Mr. Joestar, not meaning to c-cause such behavior, b-but can we practice hamon after this?" You asked. You wanted to practice your hamon and improve.

"Y/N, we agreed to do it tomorrow. And it's night time, so you are going to need some rest." Mr. Joestar said.

"Man.....then what can I do sir?" You asked. You didn't like doing nothing. You preferred havig yourself busy at something.

"I don't know. Try to paint something....Or, play with your te-"

"Mr. Joestar! Don't say it!" You whined at him.

"Oh r-right right. Sorry, I forgot." He apologized.

"Y/N, if you are bored, we have some rooms you can go to: a gym, tea room, a library." Seiko said.

"A library? I would like to go to the library please." You answered.

"Fascinating. Jotaro will show you where it is." Seiko said. You then looked at Jotaro, who was still eating his dinner plate. He had a grumpy and tired face. You doubt he would even take you to the library. 

"What are you staring at?" He asked harshly to you.

"O-oh! Uhm, n-nothing. S-sorry..." You apologized, and looked away. You wee embarassed. Now you don't really want to be with him. 

"I'm done. I'll take you to the library. So hurry up and get up." he said to you. You stood from your spot and walked right behind him. As the two of you left the dining room, Jotaro walked a bit faster than you. You needed to catch up and walk in his pace. He noticed you weren't so close. So he sighs and stops in place. You walked to reach to him. You were confused to why he has stopped. He then holds your hand. 

"Yare yare daze. Just hol my hand. I don't ant you to get lost in ths big house." He said. You blushed at his sudden touch. But you weren't too happy what he said. Sure, you do get lost, but it's not like your a child. Your old enough to find your way around. 

"We're here." He said to you. He opens the library door open. The place was huge. There were a lot of book shelfs. Ad being a big nerd, you were amazed by it. You wanted to read all of them. You looked at Jotaro and smiled. Jotaro blushed a bit, but luckily for him, it was dark, so you didn't see it clearly. You walk into the library, with Jotaro following you behind. You entered the fiction section. You grabbed a book that was called "Touching Spirit Bear."  (It's a real book and I recommend you to read it, super good). You sat down on the floor, with your back leaning onto the shelf. It was all quiet and peaceful. 

"What are you reading?" Jotaro asked you. You jumped, startled by his deep voice. You were surprised to see him with you. I mean, he doesn't seem like the kind of person to like books...or like people. Needless to say, he was very.....pessimistic. He was the polar opposite of his mother. 

"I'm reading this book. It's pretty cool. It's called Touching Spirit Bear." You told him. He sighs, and lowers his hat, covering his face even more. He sit downs on the floor, rght next to you. You were getting anxious. As soon as he sits down, he looks down at you.

"Can I read it with you?" He asked. It sounded really weird coming out of him. But you weren't going deny it.

"Of course! We can read Chapter 1 together!" You said, joyfully. He leans a bit more closer to you, so he could read the page you were on. His pressence was warm and cozy. You, unconciously, moved your body closer to him. It was warm. You made sure your book was wide open, enough to be readible for Jotaro. He was able to read it, especially with the stand he has. In fact, he allow his stand to reveal itself.

Jotaro x Reader: The Last Hamon UserWhere stories live. Discover now