Hanged Man Aftermath

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Credit to unknown artist
(If you know who made it, please let me know)

After a long walk, Kakyoin, Polnareff, and you walked back to the town where you last saw Avdol. You were slowly becoming upset. Kakyoin and Polnareff noticed as the three of you got closed to exact location of the incident. 

You didn't say a word. You were clearly not okay. So you decided to stay quiet so you wouldn't tear up. You crossed your arms, gripping yourself. Kakyoin looked at you before he spoke.

"Y/N, listen, it's okay. You can cry. There is no reason to-" 

"HOLD YOUR HORSES!" Hol Horse shouted. The three of you turn to face behind you. You saw him standing there, waiting for us for some reason. "I finally caught up with you guys." He revealed his stand which is a gun. He throws the gun up in the air, landing on his other hand. He then aims at all of you. The three of you went back to looking forward. 

"Why are you walking so slow? If you're gonna run, run like your lives depend on it. Right, Mr. Centerfold?" Hol Horse shoots at a random cup glass. Simultaneously, you looked back at him. "Better say your prayers. Your lives end here! So act like this is the end and come at us! Show us what you've got, damn it! Right, Mr. Centerfold?" Hol Horse shoots at every window of a building. The glass fell directly in front of you. You decided to step on the glass. You were getting annoyed by Hol Horse. He is the reason why Avdol is dead. He still thinks Centorfold is alive. Can't he see that he already lost?

Hol Horse was getting nervous. "Hey, are you listening, Centerfold?"

"Pendejo (dumbass), don't you get it?! Your buddy isn't going to listen you. He's in hell!" You shouted, getting annoyed. 

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Stop bluffing. That won't work on me. You think you could trick me by saying you defeated him? No one got a chance against that guy. Even I can't stand a chance against the Invincible Hanged Man! This is why female comedians are lame. Your joke sucks, lil missy." Hol Horse said.

"That body that is only 2,000 meters that way would say otherwise. Why don't you take a look?" You said.

".....Okay I will!" Hol Horse immediately runs away. 

"Hey, wait, he's running away!" Polnareff shouted.

"ERES UN COBARDE!" You shouted at him. (YOU'RE A COWARD)

Hol Horse was running away. He tried to hide and escape by changing pathway. Instead of meeting freedom, he was met by somebody's fists. "What the-" Hol Horse was punched in the face with immense strength. As you ran behind him, followed by Kakyoin and Polnareff, you were met with familiar faces. 

"Mr. Joestar! Jotaro!" You yelled! 

".........We know about Avdol." Mr. Joestar said. You frowned deeply when he said that. "Though it was a simple funeral, his body has been buried." Mr. Joestar ended up saying. 


"Huh?" Kakyoin looked at you.


"Y/N" Mr. Joestar muttered. 

You decided to let go. You were holding it in for a while now. You sob hard. This was the first time anyone has seen you cry like this. It made all of the men mad at Hol Horse. As you cried, the men surrounded Hol Horse's defeated body. As he was gaining conciousness, he looked around in fear. 

"The one who stabbed Avdol on the back was the man with two right hands. But the real cause of death was Hol Horse's bullet! What shall we do with him?" Kakyoin asked, trying to calm his anger. 

"I'll give him his sentence!" Polnareff exclaimed. He slowly walked closer to the scared Hol Horse. He reveals his stand. "DIE!" But Polnareff was quickly stopped by a woman. 

"What the-" Jotaro questioned. 

"Run Sir Hol Horse!" The girl shouted. 

"What's with her?" Polnareff asked.

"Run! I don't know what's going on, but I'm always thinking of you! That is my reason to live! Please run! Hurry!" She shouted. 

Jotaro and Kakyoin were incredibly disturbed by the young girl. You were confused as to what is going on. 

"You bitch! Let me go!" Polnareff yelled. "Jotaro! Kakyoin! Stop Hol Horse before he escapes!" 

"Too late." Jotaro said. Polnareff was confused. Suddenly, you see Hol Horse on a horse. 

"Well said, baby! I'll gladly accept your feelings and keep on living! I'm running away because I love you, baby! Forever!" Hol Horse shouted as he was galloping away. 

"COME BACK HERE!" Polnareff stood up, but the girl wouldn't let go of him. She was holding him from his leg. Polnareff would drag her, causing her to bleed due to the sharp rocks on the ground. "LET GO-"

"Polnareff, that woman was just another one he was using. And he no longer had any intention of fighting. Y/N, is it okay if you make this handkerchief into a big bandage roll?" Mr. Joestar asked.

"Oi, Jiji-" 

"Si, I can. She's bleeding." You said, wiping your tears. Releasing your Stand, you turn the handkerchief into a bandage roll. Was not as sticky as it should be, but it would still do the trick. "Here you go." You handed it to Mr. Joestar. He thanks you and proceeds to help the girl with her injuries. 

"It's been 15 days since we left Japan. We have no time to deal with Hol Horse." Once Mr. Joestar ties the bandage, some blood splashes on his arm. 

"Damn it..." Polnareff muttered. "Well, I guess it can't be helped. Let's go back on the road! We have a vampire to defeat! And don't go to your own path! It is best we stay together." Polnareff exclaimed. 

"Yare yare daze....." 


Reaching at a bus stop, there was only you 5....well now 6. The girl that stopped Polnareff decided to follow us. She was very quiet, compared to before. Huh, just like you. You missed Avdol already. Your eyes were becoming watery again. You quickly wiped yourself before anyone could noticed. But of course, someone did. 

"Y/N... I'm sorry for what happened." Jotaro spoke. He spoke to you in a calm and quiet tone. You appreciated that he was keeping it down so no one else looked at your tearful face. 

"Oh, it's not your fault, Jojo. Neither is it Polnareff's. He must be blaming himself for what happened. But its not like he wanted that to happen. N-no one knew t-this wo-would happen." You wiped your tears again. Jotaro hands you a handkerchief he had in his pocket. 

"Here." Jotaro said. 

"G-gracias." You wipe yourself using it. "W-where did you get it?" You asked curiously.

"Kakyoin and Polnareff told me you had it with you." Jotaro explained.

"What?! Are you saying....this is the same hankerchief that I handed Polnareff?! EW! I JUST SHARED HIS FACE GERMS!!!! QUE ASCO!!!" You cried out. (HOW GROSS!)

"Calm down already! You have been carrying this handkerchief ever since I handed it to you, It already had Kakyoin's ink on it. What difference does it make?" He asked. 

"Y-yea, you're right. Gracias." You thanked him again. 

"Yare yare daze...." Jotaro mumbled. 

"Hey! The bus is here!" Mr. Joestar announced. 

"Al fin!" You exclaimed.

All of you got on the bus. Polnareff decided to sit next to the girl. Mr. Joestar sit next to Kakyoin. And Jotaro and you sat together. You folded the handkerchief and put it in your pants' pocket. You looked through the window, as you realized you are leaving Avdol behind. Though you would want to cry, you had no more tears to do so. You were getting a headache. You slowly closed your eyes and rested your head on the window. Jotaro looked at you, chuckling to himself. Suddenly the bus went on a bump, causing to move your head onto his shoulder. 

"Pfft...." Kakyoin chuckled. 

"Shut it." Jotaro stared at him.

"Whatever." Kakyoin responded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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