Fire Distinguisher

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A/N: In the original episode, Avdol goes out to search Polnareff on his own. But in this chapter, he actually talks about it with everyone. I wanted it to seem as everyone was really worried about him instead of just being you and Avdol. So that is the minor change I made. 

You were all in the Hotel Grand as it was now pouring outside. The rain has been going on like this ever since Polnareff left. You were all eating peacefully. But was super quiet. You were beginning to miss hiw whiny attitude and his silly comments. You hate admitting this though. You looked at the empty chair where he would be sitting. 

"Es tan silencioso (it's so silent)" you muttered.

"He didn't come back after all." Mr. Joestar said, looking at the empty chair. Everybody turns up to look at it too. 

"Huh....I honestly didn't expect things to go like this..." Kakyoin states. 

"Que mal (How awful...)" You added. "But it is apparent that was his main goal from the very beginning. It is very highly that's what Dio was promising him too when planting that brainwashing bug on him." You said.

"Perhaps. Maybe it was time for him to go." Mr. Joestar said.

"At least we are no longer getting annoyed by him." Jotaro said. You kick his legs softly, not wanting to provoke him. "What?" He questioned. 

"Quite a rude thing to say, dontya think? Sure he was annoying at times, but he was....well, a friend." You said. 

"I wish I could say he is out there doing's obvious he will get hurt in the end." Kakyoin said. 

"To be honest, I feel worry." Avdol admits. "I do wish to make a search for him but I think it is not how fate wishes to occur. Maybe its for the best for him to experience this on his own." 

"Listen, if you feel the need to search for him, then let's do it. We will all look for him." Mr. Joestar said, comforting Avdol in his gut feeling. 

"Yeah, after all, you are a fortune teller. I am sure you are sensing something in the future, heheh." You joked, trying to encourage him. 

"We'll beat the shit out of him for you too." Jotaro added. 

"That would not be needed, but thank you Jotaro." Avdol chuckled. 

"So, do you want to do it once the rain stops?" Kakyoin asks. 

"Yes." Avdol says. Suddenly, the rain actually stops. 

"Oh mira! (Look!) The rain stopped. Let's head out!" You said. 

"H-hold on! I haven't finished my plate yet!" Mr.Joestar said, eating his food quickly. 

"Hurry up Jiji! Yare yare daze..." Jotaro groans in frustration. 

"Mr.Joestar, finish already. You were the one who brought up the idea!" Kakyoin joked. 

"Oh come on, give me a break! I'm almost done!" He exclaims. 


After leaving the resturaunt, you all spread out. Everybody ran in different directions in hopes to find him. Of course, as a game, you, Kakyoin and Jotaro decided to challenge each other on who finds Polnareff first. Whoever does, gets to decide what to eat next. 

"Polnareff! Polnareff! Where are you?" You shouted. "Mierda, en donde estas? (Fuck, where are you?)"

You hear gun shots from far away. At first you were going to ignore it, but then you heard a familiar voice. "POLNAREFF!" It was Avdol's! 

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