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Credit to artist Gamu (Twitter: Gamusaur)

A few hours passed before Polnareff cam back to normal. Since then, you tried to make him feel better. You weren't the healer or a nurse. But you definitely are the greatest at making others feel better. 

"I'm dearly sorry for calling you a fool." You apologized, remembering what you said

"Non non non. It's all good. I was acting like a fool and letting all those thoughts get to me. I'm actually thankful. I mean, it's hard to find such kind and lovely people like you." Polnareff said to you.

"Oh my. Thanks. That was sweet of you to say. I hope your burns are gone." You said.

"Yeah, I can still feel the heat radiate on my skin, but I'm all fine. Thank you fro treating my arm too. You almost stabbed me, hahaha." He laughed.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" You said, lowering your head ashamed. Polnareff laughs a bit more, but soon pats your head. 

"You remind a lot of my sister Sherry. You don't have to apologize so much. You are truly strong, little lady~ By the way, what's your name?" He asked. 

"Oh, my name is Y/N." You said.

"O-oh! You are the Y/N. The one who he seeks for!" Polnareff said.

"What did you say?" Jotaro interrupts their conversation. Kakyoin comes in as well. You were shock to hear him say that. 

"W-well, when I met Dio, I was told not to harm Y-y/n. To keep her in good hands and to take her to him." Polnareff explained.

"W-what? Why would Dio want me?" You asked him.

"I'm so sorry. But I don't know that either." He said.

"How can you not know? You were told to kidnap her and take her to Dio himself. " Jotaro asks.

"Dio is a mysterious man. I doubt he would even tell his alliances any of this. I mean, I don't remember him telling me of such thing." Kakyoin said.

"Does this have to do with why I got a Stand as well?" You asked.

"Perhaps." Kakyoin answered.

"Well...Thank you Polnareff. This information might actually help us fight Dio." You thanked him. Your warm smile brighten him up. You were truly on of a kind. And it was time to go, you, Jotaro, and Kakyoin left him in his place. The three of you said goodbye, and went to the hotel you all would be staying until the next day. 

Arriving to the place, you go to your separate room. The boys were staying together, but you got yourself some privacy. This was thanks to Mr. Joestar. You decided to take a bath and change up. Once you did, you felt yourself tired. 

But suddenly, you felt a weird sensation. It was like someone was watching you. Not this again. You turned around to see if there was anyone. No one. You looked through the window. No one. You shook your head, thinking it's all in your head. You closed the curtians, not allowing the moon to shine through your room. As you were about to get in the covers, you heard steps. 

You jumped straight into them. You covered your whole body, protecting yourself from whoever is there. Then there was a knock. You had no choice but to open it. But just in case, you grabbed the TV's remote control and used TombStone to transform it into a bat. You were up an close to the door. Another knock was heard. That's when the door open up itself. You jumped right in front and swinged the bat behind you, ready to hit whoever was there. 

"AHH!" You cried out.

"H-hold it! It's just me!" It was Jotaro.

"J-jotaro? What are you doing up this late?" You asked, confused and scared.

Jotaro x Reader: The Last Hamon UserWhere stories live. Discover now