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Art by https://twitter.com/kukjo1/status/1104363950978682880

Jotaro and Mr. Joestar were searching for Polnareff. But at the end, they encountered something far more worse.

"Jiji....." Jotaro meets up with Mr. Joestar. Jotaro gazes to the supposed dead body of none other than...

"Avdol....." Mr. Joestar said under his breathe. Neither Jotaro or Mr. Joestar saw this coming. They were both clearly upset. Jotaro couldn't help but think how you would react to this. It infuriated him. Jotaro was not sure who was to blame this. But one thing was clear....Avdol was gone, and so will your happiness.

It didn't help having a whole crowd of people looking at Jotaro and Mr. Joestar. The two of them tried to keep composure.

"I guess this is goodbye..." Mr. Joestar said.

"Hm." Jotaro only hummed, not daring to say a word.

The two were about to walk away, until they heard a grunting noise. Jotaro stopped and turned around.

"Oi, Jiji. Did you hear that?" Jotaro asks.

"No way...." Mr. Joestar was shocked.

Both of them observed Avdol's body carefully. And then there it was again, a grunting noise.

"He's alive!" Mr. Joestar exclaimed. "Come one Jotaro, help me carry him to emergency."

"Hm." Jotaro quickly helped.

Back to Y/N, Kakyoin, and Polnareff

You and Kakyoin decided to stop by to switch spots. You needed some time to relax and think things slowly. It was all too much. You were broken by Avdol's death. So now you sat in the middle of Kakyoin and Polnareff.

"At that moment, I'm sure that I stabbed him with the sword. But my strike didn't land. There was no resistance." Polnareff said as he tried to clean of the blood on his with his hands. 

"Toma. We are kinda sorry for punching you....but you deserved it." You said, as you hand him a napkin.

"Merci- Hold on, why is it smudged? Is that....black ink?" Polnareff asks.

"Huh? What are you- woah, it is. Hang on, Y/N, where did you get this?" Kakyoin asks.

"Huh? Why you ask?" Y/N was confused. 

"That is actually my handkerchief... It was when I tried to ...."kill" Jotaro.......ignore that last part." Kakyoin was slightly embarrassed about that time. But his curiousity struck him. The only way you could have it is if you and Jotaro had a small little interaction...

"Espera! Espera! J-jotaro was just being kind enough to give me a napkin! I need to clean my face! I wear make-up too, you know! And you should never sleep with make up on! So-"

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. You need to relax, none of us said anything, heheheheheh." Polnareff snickered. 

"Pero lo pensaste..." Y/N muttered under her breath.

"What was that?~" Kakyoin teased.

"I said you better look in front! You should at least have some logic in how to drive, cherry boy!" Y/N was acting a bit aggressive in her way of talking. She was trying to defend herself from any embarrassment. The boys chuckled lightly, letting the moment pass now. 

"Even though it is smudged, I will use it. Merci, Y/N." Polnareff said as he wiped his face. 

There was a quiet moment while trying to stay away from the enemy. You were staring outside the window. All you see is rocks, dirt, and more rocks. It kinda reminded you of Mexico. You realized you are far from home. You wondered how your family is. You wondered if Jotaro feels homesick too. He is the same age as you, after all. You knew that even though he depicts a strong and emotionless person, he is a great man with a great heart. 

"Oh." Polnareff says as he pulls off the backview mirror.

"Oye! What are you doing? We might need that to drive safely." You asked.

"I was thinking about something." Polnareff said.

"Eso es nuevo." Y/N muttered. (That's new)

"I heard that." Polnareff grunted quietly. You sticked out your tongue at him. He ignores and looks back to the backview mirror he has in his hands. "Even after breaking the mirror, his Stand, Hanged Man, still attacked from the shards. He'll attack my reflection from within the mirror. My Stand can't go inside a mirror...How am I supposed to attack him if he's in some kind of mirror world?"

You could tell he was confused with the whole situation. You could also tell how it frustrates him. The whole point of chasing that man was to kill him and have revenge. And though he was so close to doing so, he had an obstacle.....the stand Hanged Man. 

"Polnareff, you have us. You don't have to worry. We'll decipher Hanged Man's ability. With our two brains!" You said. 

"But we're three?" Polnareff asks.

"I was referring to Kakyoin and mine." You snickered. 

"Damn it!" Polnareff shouts as he throws away the backview mirror from the car. You couldn't help but giggle. But you weren't going to be the mean person to him now. He needs all the support he needs. Especially after what happened to Avdol.....So you patted his back gently, letting him know he is not alone. Polnareff smiles calmly. 

"Polnareff, you keep talking about "inside the mirror" and "the mirror world," but there is no world inside a mirror. This isn't some fantasy or fairy tale." Kakyoin said. 

"Well, that makes sense." You said. 

"Now now hold on! Kakyoin, what are you talking about? You saw it, too, didn't you?! You can only see him in a mirror, and when you turn around, he's not there." Polnareff stated. 

"Yes. But what you see in a mirror is just a reflection created by light." Kakyoin explained his thesis. 

"You don't have to tell me that! Listen! I'm talking about what's going on right now. If there are such things as Stands, there could be a mirror world, too!" Polnareff explains.

"So what? Are you going to say that Santa is real just because Stands are real?" You questioned him.

"Obviously he's not real!" Polnareff answered.

"So there isn't a mirror world!" Kakyoin concluded. 

"You two...." Polnareff sighed disappointedly.

"I think that fact is what will let is solve the mystery of Hanged Man. If Stands can defeat other Stands, then there's still something we don't know about his-" Kakyoin stopped speaking. 

"Que pasa?" You asked. (What happened?) You noticed how Kakyoin was no longer looking at the road, but directly at the steering wheel. "Oye oye! What did I tell you about driving! Keep your eyes on the r-" 

Kakyoin looks back to the back of the truck, then looks back at the steering wheel. "Polnareff! Y/N! It's him! He's inside the plating on the steering wheel!" 

"Que?!" "Quoi?!" "Nani?!" (What?!)

"He's caught up to us!" You screamed. 

Suddenly broken glass is shattered and spread all over the place. You used your Stand to use a saved airport advertisement card you have kept in your pocket. The card was made out of plastic, hard-covered. You managed to make it wider, and soften it a bit. You made it turn into a soft protective blanket. "Tombstone!" You yelled. The stand covers you, Polnareff and Kakyoin under the protective sheet, making are no glass cuts your skin. Because of the material of the card, the blanket kept its' original material and texture as well, being able to keep the glass from traveling through the blanket. Once the glass was completed out of the way, you quickly turned the blanket back to it's original object. You hid the card back into your pocket. 

"Arigato.." Kakyoin thanked you. You nodded. "I hope you have your seat belts on!" Kakyoin shouted. All of the sudden, Kakyoin decides to drift the truck, slamming the brakes, and turning the steering wheel to the left rapidly. The truck moves in circles, making you almost dizzy. 

"Ka- Ah!" You weren't sure how to keep yourself well seated in a car that just flips over

since, you know,....


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