Holly Is Sick

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Credit to artist Just Zizi from Twitter (Twitter Account: enervatedClown)

You woke up to the shining rays of sun. Apparently, you forgot to close your door completely. At least no one saw you practicing on your own. Mr. Joestart would've been mad. He doesn't like you doing stuff on your own, especially when it's this important. You may cause a disaster without noticed.
Anyway, you decided to get up and dress back into your daily clothes. Getting up, you go to find Mr. Joestar. You leave your room and hear someone yelling.

"Holly! Hoooollllyyy! Where are you Holly?! Holly!- oh, Y/N. Good morning, Hope I didn't wake you up with my yelling." Mr. Joestar said. He was still in his pijamas. It was awkward. But you shook it off.

"No sir, I was already awake. Are you trying to find Seiko-"

"Her name is Holly." Mr. Joestar said, sounding very annoyed.

"R-right, so you are trying to find Mrs. Holly."

"That is right. She gave me Jotaro's clothes. She probably kept mine somewhere. Have you seen Holly?" Mr. Joestar asks.

"Sorry. I haven't. But I'll help find her." You assured Mr. Joestar. He pats your messy hair.

"Hahaha. You might need to get your hair brushed. A bird might confuse it as a nest. Hahaha." Mr. Joestar teases you. You just shook your head in annoyance.

"I will Mr. Joestar. I'll be searching in the front yard."

"Alright then. Holly! HOLLY!"

"Mr. Joestar, maybe you should try calling her Seiko." You advised him. He put in thought of it. But then went back at yelling her actual name. He was very stubborn.

You searched around the yard. So far, you haven't seen Seiko. You walked and walked until you made it in the front yard. There, you met up with Jotaro, who was getting ready for school. He looks at you, to which you flinch. You decided to walk up to him. Maybe he knows where Seiko was.

"G-good morning Jotaro. You're going to school?" You asked.

"Of course. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"R-right. Have you seen your mother?" You asked.

"No, but...."

"But what?"

"She usually gives me a good-bye kiss before I leave. Today, she's not here. It's weird." Jotaro explained.

"Then we have to find her. No kid deserves to leave without a good-bye kiss!" You said.

"It's not like I want one!" Jotaro explained.

"Well you should. Because not every kid gets good-bye kisses from their parents." You said. And with that, you walked into the house and search for her. Jotaro sighed and followed. After searching over the place, you end up in the kitchen, where you see Avdol on the ground. Behind you, Jotaro and Mr. Joestar were standing. And just one line made us all stay quiet.

"...she might die..." Avdol said. Once Avdol looks up, he sees the three of you standing there. There was fear planted on them. You quickly ran to check on her. Her body was warm and she was sweating. She needed immmediate medical attention. Of course, while Jotaro and Mr. Joestar were talking, Avdol helped you carry Seiko to a room.

"We need to find Dio. We need to kill Dio and lift the curse! That's all we can do!" Mr. Joestar said out loud. "But no matter how many times I try, he hides in the darkness." He says, leaving dozens of photos of Dio. YOu could barely see his face. It looked as if he was in a cave. "I cannot find out where he is with my spirit photos."

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