Chapter Fifty Four.

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"Are you sure about this, Sof?"

Sofia whipped her head around, pulling away from her mascara wand. She was shocked to hear such nervousness leave Lily's mouth,

"Well, of course, Lily! Unless, you really don't wanna go."

Lily was always so sure of herself. She was always the social butterfly. She would always be the one to drag Sofia out of the dorm to go places with her, but now, it was the other way around. It was quite unusual,

"No—I do. I just... I don't know. I'm nervous. What if I get really drunk and do something stupid like I always do?"

Sofia sighed, finishing her final touches of her makeup.

"Lily, how about this. I'll limit how much you drink tonight if you don't trust yourself with managing it. And, if you get uncomfortable, we can leave. Does that sound good?"

Lily raised an eyebrow as her suddenly sure friend,

"Well, yeah... but when did you become the one to be so ecstatic to participate in social gatherings?"

Sofia smiled over at her, "When Bransen and Malfoy bet on it. Anything to make those two feel less like men... I will happily oblige to!"

Lily giggled at her statement,

"Whatever you say, Sof..."

As the two girls finished getting ready, loud music and yelling could be heard from below them. The two assumed that the party had begun,

"Showing up fashionably late?" Lily asked Sofia, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Showing up fashionably late."

About half an hour went by, Lily and Sofia sharing two cigarettes and chatting in the meantime. Lily sighed as the two left their dorm, pulling her flask out as an assistant to settle her sudden social anxiety.

She went to pass it to Sofia, but Sofia shook her head.

"Waiting until the actual party starts, Lily."

Lily laughed as they started down the stairs, "How obscure of you, Miss Cherith."

As they arrived into the large common room, the body heat hit them automatically. It made Sofia take her jean jacket off, not even getting the chance to show it off.

"Hello, ladies..." a voice greeted them,

"Hello, Seamus. A bit drunk already are we?" Sofia teased, and he chuckled.

"A bit. Go to your boyfriend, Sof. He won't stop whining about how much he misses you."

Lily's eyes slowly made their way to Sofia's side profile, and Sofia looked back at her with a weird glance. Seamus walked away, a cup in his hand.

"Are you and Longbottom official yet?" Lily asked, somewhere deep down wanting her to say yes. All biased opinions on Neville aside, it made Lily smile to see her friend so happy when she was around the boy.


Lily was shocked by the answer, considering they acted more together than Lily and Dean ever did.

Lily decided to leave it alone, though. She understood how complicated teen romance could get sometimes,

"I'm gonna get a drink and go find Neville. Would you like to join me?" Sofia asked, brushing a piece of loose hair out of Lily's face.

SOFIA | ❨ NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM ❩ UNDER MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now