Chapter Fifty Six.

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Neville called out for her sobbing, but it was too late. Everything that needed to be said had been spoken. It was simply too late. He couldn't take it back.

Sofia couldn't even comprehend what she had just done as she made her way back to the common room. The only thing on her mind was Bransen. That was her first stop.

Sofia had never been so angry. Not even when her parents had lied to her about her Father. Not even with Snape. She had been pushed to her breaking point. She had been called a liar, practically a whore it seemed.

When she arrived into the common room, everyone looked at her.

Rumors seemed to spread around quickly at Hogwarts. Especially if it was someone like Bransen spreading them,

"Where is he?" Sofia yelled, and some people pointed, automatically knowing who she was talking talking about.

Her eyes skimmed the room through her blurred vision. She was so angry she was practically seeing spots at this point.

Sofia marched right up to him, and he smirked at her,

"Hey, Sof. I was—"

Before he could even finish, all of Sofia's emotion was driven into his face with her fist. Every ounce of anger, sadness, anxiety, it was being put onto him.

People gasped as Bransen fell back, and some people giggled.


"Get up, Bransen..." she told him, her anger only progressively building up.

Lily watched from afar, her heart breaking as she had known exactly how Sofia had felt. But, he deserved it.

"I SAID GET UP!" Sofia screeched, her lungs sounding like they were about to give up on her. He quickly scrambled to his feet, his weakness starting to shine through to everyone in the room. His nose was bleeding,


He wiped the blood from his nose, the flannel of his sleeve turning red.


Another punch, and Bransen fell back again.

As much as some hated to admit it, the petite girl packed a lot of punch. No one expected this from her. Not the American girl. Never her.

"Sofia..." Hermione uttered, as she had made her way to the scene.

"Shut up, Granger!" Sofia screamed at her, and Hermione only nodded and looked down.

Not the time to be the peacemaker, Hermione told herself.

"Guess you heard about your night last night, Sofia..." Bransen chuckled, obviously trying to hide the fact that he was scared.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" she screamed at him, "Why? Why? Why are you such a piece of shit! I never did anything to you! Why are you doing this to me?!"

She was sobbing in front of everyone.

A lot of the Gryffindors felt sorry for her. Some just sat back and enjoyed the drama that was playing out in front of them. Because to them, it was only drama. But, to Sofia, it felt like her whole world was crashing down. She felt like it was the end of something.

"Get up!" she screamed again, but he only stayed on the floor.

She pulled him up somehow, surprising his friends who stood in complete shock.

She grabbed her wand out, and held it up to him.

"Why the fuck are you doing this? Tell me. Tell me now."

SOFIA | ❨ NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM ❩ UNDER MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now