Nico the Stalker

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(A/N: Okay, from now on, I will be doing a third person omniscient. Basically like the type of P.o.V in the Heroes of Olympus series, kinda. I have a feeling this will be more longer and less confusing, enjoy :3 )


As the cave continued to shake, Cammy started loosening on her bonds. Nononono nononono, Cammy thought. I will not die like this!

She cried in alarm as her hands untangled with the impact of the shaking, though she was still tied from her waist and feet. Her caramel hair flew in all directions, smacking her face and every once in a while poking her eye. Cammy frantically squirmed in her ropes, and mercilessly bit at them. If I am going to die, might as well die trying to free myself at least, Cammy thought.

Suddenly, a familiar voice roared, "GAAAAAH!" Then there was even more intense shaking of the cavern. "PATHETIC MINOR GODLING! YOU CANNOT DO DAMAGE WITH THAT EXCUSE OF A WEAPON!!"

This time, the action came into Cammy's setting. She screamed as the Cyclops, Blondey, broke through the cave wall and sent dust and rocks spiralling everywhere. She dodged most of them, but one, the size of a fist, caught her in the gut.

From what she could see, there was a boy, definitely a boy. She couldn't make out his details since Blondey stepped in the way and blocked her viewing. The Cyclops's hair bounced up and down as he was looking for his attacker.

Then a figure, the boy, advanced from the shadows and brought his sword down on Blondey's calf....Wait, not a sword....a rusty metal pole?....Yellowish sand poured out rapidly from his opening wound, causing him to yelp in agony.

Cammy couldn't believe her luck. She grinned and yelled, "THAT'S RIGHT UGLY!"

Blondey tilted his head towards Cammy and looked at her in disgust. The boy looked her way, but saw what she was doing.

The Cyclopes bellowed in rage, "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO? I AM NOT UGLY, I AM-"

The boy took his opening and smacked the Cyclops in his nose with the metal. The boy tumbled onto the ground, ran under Blondey, and straight towards Cammy. She sighed in relief. Finally....She thought.

As he neared, Cammy saw the Cyclops wake up from his shock. Her eyes widened and looked pleadingly at her rescuer.

"No pressure or anything, but hurry!" She yelled. "I don't really want to be in that ugly's digestive system!"

The boy stopped abruptly and balled his fist. At first, Cammy thought he would turn on her and join the Cyclops. Then they made eye contact and she caught her breath.

He wore tattered jeans, white tee under a grey jacket, and Cammy's style of vans. His dirty blonde hair shone, but his piercing, leaf green eyes were hard to meet. They were startling, yet so gentle.

He threw the pole far above his head, nearly hitting the ceiling. He looked Cammy dead in the eye and yelled, "Do you trust me!?"

She was pretty stunned that he would ask such a stupid question, but she reluctantly replied. "Uh, yeah! Sure!"

Then she felt something that went Whoosh. The metal pole snapped the remaining strings left, and sent Cammy falling 30 feet in the air, 25 feet, 20 feet, 15 feet, 10....

She landed in the arms of the godling. They locked eyes and made a silent agreement: They had each other's backs. They were going to walk out of this place alive.

She slid out of the demigod's arms and said, "First, your name."

He gave her a warm smile as the Cyclopes advanced. "Tyler. Tyler Willson."

Out of nowhere, a quiver full of arrows, a bow, and a sword appeared equipped on him. Cammy's quiver full of arrows, the bow and sword. He took a lucky fire, and let the arrows sail towards the monster that landed in a chunk of Blondey's armor.

He cried in pain once more, before almost immediately melting into yellow powder. "She will avenge me...She will! I shall return, daughter of Apollo, and it won't be pleasant! I AM-" and those were the last things the creature said.

Cammy stood there speechless. Tyler looked at her in concern. She was pretty, with her teal eyes and long brown hair. Tyler considered the girl, deciding whether it was worth saving her.


"How did he find you?" Tyler asked. He took her hand and steered her to sit on a rock.

As she did, she sniffled and scowled. "I'm not supposed to say, but Goldy Locks did call you a minor godling."

She waited for him to agree. "O-oh. Yeah, I'm, I'm like you. A demigod." Her eyes were a little startling to Tyler. She had that intense stare, longing for answers. "Well, he called you a daughter of Apollo, right?"

She sighed, but nodded in response. "I was kidnapped from camp. It's one of the two only safe places for demigods, like us. It's called Camp Half-Blood, on Half-Blood Hill, in Long Island New York."

Tyler whistled. "Now I know where to find you."

She politely laughed, her voice echoing through out the cave. "Stalker much?"

He began to grin, but as soon as Cammy said that, her body stiffened. (A/N: Aw, Cammy misses Nico, from when they first met. :3)

"Something wrong?" Tyler said.

Cammy shook that thought out of her head. I miss everybody already? She considered this and smiled. Camp has grown on me.

"Nah, just....I said the same thing to a friend." She beamed. Cammy jumped up and stuck her hand out. "Now, give me my belongings if I may ask!"

Tyler looked down at the bow in his hand, quiver on his back, and sword at his side. "Oh, uh, yeah." He quickly disarmed himself and tossed them at the girl. "Sorry, I forgot."

As he grabbed the sword, he stopped. "Mind if I use this?"

Cammy's face darkened and scowled. She quickly snatched it and adjusted its handle in her hand. "Yes, I do mind." She turned around. "I payed a high price for this cursed blade, my fellow....friend died in my name for this sword."

Tyler probably couldn't see her face, but he could tell she was pained by the memory he had reminded her of. Guilt swelled inside as he looked down. "Look, I'm sorry I trespassed into your thoughts-"

"Whatever," Cammy muttered. She looked at him with red eyes from the crying she had already done once before. That tugged at Tyler's heart. "We need to move, this place is going to collapse any moment from now."

Tyler nodded and shouldered his jacket. "Alright, we only have scientifically-"

"Come on," she said before storming out the cave, through the wall the Cyclopes had managed to break down.

Tyler sighed. What had he walked into?

(A/N: OH MY HADES, THANK YOU TerraTerraOtaku for Tyler Wilson!! LovesSam01 I will put your character in the very next chapter......Sorry for the long wait guys, I have been very busy so yeah. Love you my demigods!!)

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