Will Solace-This is Real Love

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Cammy's P.o.V.

Chiron came back and found Emma and I. He stopped by and officially introduced us. I was quite surprised how interesting Emma's life had been before arriving at camp. It was a lot better that most half-blood's. Later, Chiron headed off to teach archery. Turns out that Emma was actually the demigod I was supposed to come and see. After that, me and Emma said our good byes, and went to our cabins for the night, to our own ways from there....for now.


"Man, I haven't been this tired since the day you chased me with a magical sword in your hand." Connor yelled, lower from the pine tree.

"Shut up, Connor," I mumbled and continued to climb. I finally found a sturdy branch to sit. "Hey, this looks like a good seat!"

He finally climbed the height and sat next to me as we quietly sit there, watching the sunrise. "Gods Connor, we are so gonna get caught up here. What if the harpies see us?!"

Connor slid closer next to me, "You worry too much! Besides, if those things found us, we could say we were just...er, um-"

"Exactly! What are we suppose to say?"

"Just....take in the view."

"W-what view? All you can see from here is-"


I realized he was right. Below us were all the cabins in the horseshoe ring, and the additional minor god ones. Nothing but trees and grasses laced through the land and strawberry fields. The aurora of pines and strawberries filled the air, along with that salty sea smell. The birds sung, faint chirping, the hum of few monsters, and the crackling of the bonfire. Red, orange, and pink painted the sky, with slashes of white of the distant clouds. It was a lot to take in.

"Whoa," I managed to whisper.

Connor grinned. "Yeah, I know right!" He popped open a can of Coca Cola, slowly handed it to me and said, "I haven't seen the sunrise here at camp since.....well, you know."

I swung my feet back and forth, as if on a swing. I looked down, "Yeah, I-I know." Katie and Travis.

For a while we were quiet. I couldn't think of anything to talk about with out anything getting so awkward between Connor and I. After the passed few weeks that I have been here, Connor was basically my friend. If a girl went even somewhere near him, I swear to the gods of Olympus I would kill them! Well...I mean not only girls.

Butterflies formed in the pit of my stomach as we sat in silence. That's when it change.

"Cammy, I've been meaning to ask you...," Connor said, scratching his head. "Don't laugh, but..."

No no no no no no. Please don't ask me this! I'm not ready! I should have seen this coming! Gods of Olympus! Father, Aphrodite, someone help me! Nevermind, I'm ready. I just hope I look alright!!

"I won't...," I whispered, blushing.


Curiosity was getting the best of me. Say it already!! Ask me!!

"I want to be more than just friends!" Connor blurted. I caught my breath. Yes! So far so good!! My hopes went through the roof.

"Travis isn't gonna be there for me as a brother anymore.... I-I want you to be my....sister. Then it can be whole!" Connor blurted.

As fast as my hopes went sky high, they went deeper than Tartarus itself. My brain went haywire, breathing stopped, and I was completely speechless. I turned the opposite way of him.

Sister? That's all he thought of me? Just....a family member? How was I so blind? I have been afraid of my own feeling for him....that I didn't even notice. My emotions are different towards him. He doesn't feel the same....

A tear fell. Then two, three, and soon I found myself crying.

I guess I was in my mind a little too long. Connor put his hand on my shoulder, which made me cry even harder. Connor's mine! But- I couldn't have him, he won't let me.

He finally realized I was crying, and his eyes widened. "Cam? What's wrong? Y-you don't wanna be my sis or what? Did I do something wrong, I-"


I threw my coke can at his chest, which went spraying all over him, making him cover his eyes. His reaction was something like, "Wha-pftwhatthehadesithoughtwehadsomethingspecial!!"

I quickly climbed my way down, cursing in my mind. Stupid boys are so clueless. Now I know why Artemis, Hestia, and Athena are maidens, they are the only smart ones.

With those thoughts and emotions, I ran all the way towards my cabin with Connor's desperate calls fading in the background.

I kicked open the door to the Apollo cabin and scrambled to my bed, surely waking up all my other siblings. I weeped, heartbroken into my pillow, as my brother Will curled up next to me, hugging me. He kept whispering, Everything's all right, your big bro is here. That made me sob even louder.


As I lay there with Will right next to me, I slowly started drifting off to sleep. "Thank you big bro," I quietly whispered. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "This is a real family. Will Solace-This is real love."

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