Orphaned by the sexiest man alive (Apirl's POV)

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I had to let those words register in me. My dad.... dead. I was officially an orphan. My mom's dead and now my dad. Not that he didn't deserve to die, but still. How am I going to run a mafia? Should I do it to continue my dads legacy, or remake it and brand it as my own? Maybe I would, but right now all I felt is numbness. Everyone in the room stared at me, eyes sad but unapologetic. I stepped out of the room to see my dads men and my dad on the floor, blood everywhere. I dropped to my knees next to my father and let out a tear. That's all he's getting out of me.

April: "Ok now that that's out of the way, here's what's going to happen. I will take over my dads mafia and I will make it my own. It'll no longer be called the Massimo mafia, but the "April Dynasty". Me and Gray are officially allies at this point, and no longer rivals. That is, if you want to be."

I held my breath waiting for his response. He sure knows how to build the fucking suspense.

Gray: "I like the name dynasty. It has a nice ring to it. But sure, we can become allies, and our mafias together will be very powerful. And if you want, I can help you run it."

I let out my breath, excited that he agreed and offered to help me. That would mean lots of alone time....

Candace: "Awww, look at my 2 favorite people. Building legacies and not wanting to kill each other. Now can we please go so I can take a shower, I reek."

I laughed at my best friend, thankful that she changed the subject. We walked to the cars, and I didn't want to ask, but I had to.

April: "What about my dads body? I don't want a funeral for him, but he should still get buried. The rest of the bodies you can burn."

Gray: "Some of my men will bury him and burn the others for you. I'll give you the information to where he'll be buried."

I felt my eyes burning with tears and quickly wiped them away. I couldn't afford to feel anything right now, and maybe not ever....

*2 hours later*

We dropped Candice at Grays house, and he offered to drive me home. The drive was quiet, but the tension was killing me. I wanted him to talk so bad, but he didn't and we quickly arrived to my house. We both got out and went inside. We walked to the kitchen and saw a tape recorder and a old ass tv on the island. We looked at each other, puzzled.

Gray: "Is this yours? What's on the tape?"

I was just as confused as he was. Without answering him I put the tape inside the tv, and my fathers face popped up. I let out a little Yelp and stumbled back a little, and Gray caught me. His touch felt electric and warm, and he smelled of cinnamon and apples.

Massimo's tape: "April if your watching this then I'm dead. I sent some of my men to put this in your house right before I took you to headquarters. There's something you need to know about your mom. She was a whore and she cheated on me with Nicholas's dad, and their result was Candice. You were too young to remember your mom being pregnant, but after she had the baby I forced her to give up all rights to Mr.Gray, and I then put a bullet in her brain. So yes, you and Candice are half sisters, but you Nicholas aren't related, so you shouldn't have any trouble killing him and taking his mafia. I'm telling you this because you deserve the truth my dear April. I was furious with Mr.Gray for fucking my wife so I ratted on him to the feds. Please continue my legacy and make me proud from my grave. I love you."

I stood shocked... my dad killed my mom? Candice was my sister? I fell to the floor as Gray said something, it sounded like he was a million miles away. I then finally lost consciousness.

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