The aftermath

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*beep* *beep* *beep*
I threw the dam alarm clock some fucking where. Today was Candice's funeral. My family doesn't really handle death well, people die, we hold a funeral, then get back to work. That's how I grew up, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened yesterday. I was so shaken up I went straight home and sat in the cold shower and cried for hours. I won't be shedding anymore tears, can't have people seeing me as weak. The shit I gotta do to maintain my reputation is sickening.
*knock* *knock*
"Go the fuck away." I shouted, not willing to get up quite yet. I heard the door open and suddenly I was up, gun in my hand. Dammit, it was just my mom.

Gray: "Mom what the fuck? I could have shot you! Then there would be 2 funerals to go to." I said this without much sympathy, but could you really blame me?

Mom: "Nicholas Anthony Gray, how dare you? I am your mother for heaven sakes!"

Yeah and she doesn't let me ever fucking forget it.

Gray: "Yes mother what is it? More death?"
I said this with bitterness with a hint of sarcasm. I was numb right now anyway so fuck it.

Mom: "Actually no it's some good news."

She said this so cheerfully I almost smiled... almost .

Mom: "As you know Candice unbelievably bad a bestfriend- April."

Oh also,  Candice is only my half sister. My dad had an affair while with my mom and kept the baby aka Candice. This is why the bitch despised her, even though Candice was the sweetest person I ever met. My mom never missed an opportunity to verbally attack Candice and I never missed an opportunity to defend her. I loved her so much it hurts to even think about how I neglected her this past year. I've been so busy running the mafia I had zero time for her. Shit.

Gray: "What about April?"

I've also known April since she was a kid. Candice and April are as thick as thieves, or was thick as thieves. I haven't seen her in a while but I don't give a shit about her so there's that.

Mom: "She's coming to the funeral and I'm telling you she's stunning, and she's not that young she's 22!"

Sometimes I want to punch the fuck out of her

Gray: "Number one , I don't care. Number two, are you really trying to get me to date at my own sisters funeral ?"

I couldn't believe this shit. It's times like these I wished dad was still here. He knew how to shut her ass up.

Mom: "HALF sister. And anyways I haven't seen you with a girlfriend since- well never really. It's time to date your dam near 30."

Gray: "I'm only 24... and I keep myself satisfied, trust me. So thanks anyway Mom, but I'll make sure to look at other girls at my sisters funeral."

I got up and turned on the shower hoping she would get the fuck out. I don't have time for a girlfriend, that's why I buy prostitutes. I fuck them, pay them, then they leave. No strings attached. My favorite is pearl, she does this thing with her tongue-

Mom: "Hellooo. Earth to planet Gray."
I realize she's been talking this entire time.

Gray: "Yes mother as you can see I am about to get naked and hop in the shower... unless you wanna enjoy the show?"

I smiled as she looked disgusted and walked out of my house... finally .

Mom: "Don't forget the funeral is at 5 pm, the sooner she's in the ground the better!"

Lord take the dam wheel.

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