Is this what love feels like?... (Gray's POV)

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*beep* *beep* *beep*
I slowly opened my eyes to burning bright white lights, and heard the beep of the heart monitor. I looked around rapidly until my eyes laid on her, and I let go of the breath I've been holding. Even connected to tubes and all bruised up, she's still the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on. My princess, my angel, my April. Our beds were right next to each other, and panic started to seep in when I didn't see Candice anywhere.

As if on cue, she walked into the room, and I immediately felt relief. She ran over and laid on top of me, hugging me tightly. I felt pain shoot up in my stomach and I immediately winced.

Candice: "Ouuu sorry, I just thought you were kind of dead or whatever, no biggie." She said as she got off of me and laughed.

Gray: "Well little sis, you can't get rid of me that easily. I'm some tough fucker to kill." I said as I wiggled my eyebrows at her, causing April to laugh, making my heart flutter. I glanced over to see her looking at me and pushing her hair out of her face, revealing her flawless skin.

April: "I'll pay you whatever you want to not do that, like ever again." She said as she sat up, wincing slightly.

It hurt me more to see she was hurt, and I felt the urge to kill anyone who ever hurt her again.

Gray: "How about you pay me in kisses love?"
I said as she blushed and Candice rolled her eyes.

Candice: "Get a fucking room, geez. Anywho, now that you're both up, I wanted to report that both Alaí and my m-, Helen are dead."

I heard April sucked in a breath, while my face stayed emotionless. It's good that they're dead, they're traitors, both of them, but it's still sad that my mom turned out to be my enemy, and for what? It's so fucked up.

Gray: "When can we be cleared?" I asked, ready to get out of here and have April in my arms.

Candice: "Geez, you guys just woke up from surviving bullet wounds. Just relax and chill. Are you guys hungry?"

Me and April both nodded eagerly, our stomachs growling at the mention of food. I didn't even realize how hungry I was. Candice left to go get us some pizza, while April stared over at me.

Gray: " Take a photo love, it might last a bit longer you know."

I laughed as she rolled her eyes, biting her pink lips.

April: "I'm just... admiring."

She smiled softly before turning around, looking at the sunset through the gigantic windows. I couldn't help but to stare at her, how'd I get so lucky? Fuck... I think I'm in love with April....

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