The funeral part 2 (Arpril's pov)

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I couldn't believe she was really gone. Just last week we was sitting down having Rita's, talking about our one night stands. We've been best friends since before I could remember.

Wherever I was she was by my side and vice verse. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do now. *clink*

I quickly wiped my eyes and sat up as someone came out. I expected whoever it was to continue to walk past me, but they didn't. I turned around and came face to face with the most beautiful human being I've ever seen. Candaces brother definitely didn't look like this a couple years ago, goddam. Even in a simple black tux he was so sexy.

April: "I'm sorry I didn't mean to stand so close .I was just taking a moment to myself."

I stood there barely breathing as I waited for him to say something, literally anything.

Gray: "I was just checking on you I saw you run out here."

I internally sighed. His voice makes me get goosebumps. I know he likes to go by his last name, but I can't help to think it has something to do with his eyes. His eyes are perfectly grey, not dull or shiny but a prefect grey.

April: "Oh yes, i'm sorry I just had to take a breather, this is very hard on me. I'm sure it's hard on you as well despite the fact you barely gave her the time of day for a whole year."

I sucked in a breath as soon as the words slipped out of my mouth. It was harsh I know, but Candace was heartbroken that he barely talked to her this past year. She always said it was because he was busy, but not what he was busy doing. He jerked back as if I punched him in the face. Without another word he turned and basically flew out the door. What a jerk, what the fuck was wrong with him? I decided right then and there he was not that cute, and also fuck him. I waited another minute and went back inside, ready to ignore the fuck outta him.

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