Fun fact, getting shot hurts like hell (April's POV)

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I opened my eyes to a piercing white light. I tried to put my arms up to shield my eyes, but I was strapped down. I looked around frantically and saw Gray on a stretcher next to me, and Candice on the floor, gagged and tied up. I looked around some more for our captors, but didn't see anyone else. It looked like we were in the back of an ambulance, and we were moving. I wiggled my body and immediately regretted it, my stomach felt sore, wet, and sticky with blood. It felt as if someone poured a million hot coals into my stomach.

It took all of my strength to not scream out, I couldn't let anyone know I was awake. Suddenly, Candice started to stir, and I prayed she would be silent. We had no idea who our captors were or where the fuck we were going. Suddenly, the ambulance stopped and the back door opened to reveal Grays men. What the fuck?

April: "Guys what's going on?"

Ricardo: "What's going on is that we're saving y'all's life. Anymore questions beautiful?"

April: "Smart ass" I muttered. "Well why are we strapped down and why is Candice gagged?"

Ricardo: "There wasn't enough time to explain, there was a lot of blood and we had to hurry and get you guys back to headquarter to our doctors. As far as Candice, she was really fueled up, so we had to sedate her a little." He said as he unstrapped me and Gray. Someone else came in to untie Candice, and help Ricardo take us out of the ambulance. They got us into the building and doctors started ripping our clothes off to assess our wounds.

Doctor #1: "This is going to hurt just a little, it seems the bullet went right through you thankfully, but we have to cauterize the wound." She said as she took out a large metal stick, with a red tip. I was confused as she pressed the tip to my stomach, it was scorching hot and every bone in my body ached for it to stop. The pain became too much and I blacked out....

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