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The vanishing of Will Byers.

A night in your room, while just vibing with your guitar, playing (I can't get no) Satisfaction from The Rolling Stones, one of the songs you had learned the first time you ever played the guitar.

Your cat sitting on your bed, while you played until the time your brother arrived home.
When the song stopped, you could hear boys screaming outside of your house, and you immediately knew who those were.

"I'll kill you!" you could hear your brother screaming at the distance, following Will.
"I'll take your X-men 134!" you went to the door and saw Dustin and Will on their bikes at "maximum" speed doing a race "Goodnight Y/n!" Will said, before passing your house "'Night, Will! Say hi to Johnathan for me!" you replied, leaning on the door, while watching your brother stopping his bike in front of the house.

"son of a bitch" he said "hey, language. Now, get in squirt, dinner's getting cold" you said, gently nudging your brother's head inside of the house.

"so? How was the campaign?" you asked Dustin at the table, during dinner. "the damn Demogorgon got Will-"
"language!" exclaimed your mom to Dustin, you chuckled "well, why didn't he cast a protection spell?" you asked him, in which he replied "that's what I said!! But Lucas insisted on fireball him... asshole" he murmured at the end "language!!" your mom exclaimed once more.

Already morning, and once you were up, you started to get ready to school "Y/n, sweetie please wake up your brother, he's gonna be late!" you groaned, at the fact that your brother still needed help to get up to go to school.

You came into his room and saw him still sleeping, with a Marvel comic book resting on his chest.

"Dustin, come on, time for school" you said in a tired tone, but he just groaned and turned over. You sighed, grabbed the sheets he was sleeping in, and pulled from them hard, to roll him off the bed "the hell!" he said, in kind of an angry sleepy tone "school time, Dusty" you said, with an innocent smile.

On your way out, you asked Dustin if he needed a ride to school, in which he replied with a 'no', he was just going on his bike with the rest of the party.

You turned the key of your car and you were on your way. Arriving at school you could see Nancy, your childhood friend, who had grown apart from you when high school started and started dating a popular douche.

Walking down the halls you saw Barbara and Nancy talking, by their faces you knew they were talking about the douche: Steve Harrington, most known as 'The King'. Barbara was definitely close to you, so she would always update you on what was going on with Nancy; she even agreed with you on the fact that she has changed ever since she started dating Steve.

"what was that all about?" you chuckled at Barbara "oh, you know, just Nancy still denying she and Steve are a thing" she said "I just hope she doesn't abandon me for Tommy H and Carol" she continued "if she does, I'll make sure to rub it in her face how much fun you and I spend without her" you replied, in a dramatic but joking tone. Both of you chuckled as you went to class after the bell had rang.

You had entered one of your first classes, in which you shared with, apart from Barb, your close friend: Johnathan Byers, who was not in his seat like he normally was. Byers has skipped school before, so you weren't too worried. But just before class could begin, you were called out of class by the principal. You looked Barbara, and she looked back at you with a look of 'what did you do this time', in which you just shook your head, having no idea what was going on.

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