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The Sauna Test

You had found your evil Russians. You didn't know what they were up to, but it was certainly nothing good. You four knew you had to figure out what the hell were in those boxes in the room you saw last night.

You and Dustin woke up around a very early hour to go to the mall as fast as you could to spy some more on those guys. The mall only had a few shops opened by then and, considering Steve was already there, so was the ice cream shop.

It kind of confused you as to why would Steve wake up so early in the morning, but then again, with what you had discovered last night, it was almost impossible to keep the curiosity away. In fact, you could barely sleep last night.

What if you guys were getting into something way much bigger than you thought? What if the government was already in it too? Many thoughts filled your head, but one thing was for sure... you four were gonna get to the bottom of it.

Dustin and you went to the rooftop again to investigate, see if there was any entrance to the room. While Steve and Robin stayed at the shop.

"It's just more and more boxes" you said, seeing how long has it been since you've been there and youve just seen at least 5 carts of boxes coming in. "Look" Dustin signaled you to the guard that was at the door. He gave you the binoculars for you to see it clearer. "He has a keycard" Dustin said. "Yeah, and huge ass gun" you pointed out. How the hell were you two supposed to get the keycard now? "Come on" you said to Dustin, crawling to the door so the guards couldn't see you when you stood up.

You went downstairs to the ice cream shop to let Steve and Robin know what you had seen. "That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately the guard with the keycard also has a massive gun" Dustin explained "And whatever is in that room, whatever is in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it" you said after him. "But there's gotta be a way in" Robin followed, thinking how we could possibly get in without you know... getting murdered.

"Well, you know... I could just take him out" Steve said, confident. You stared at him oddly, so did Robin and Dustin. "Take who out?" Robin asked. "The Russian guard" Steve simply clarified. You accidentally let out a snort. Steve glanced at you. "What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy." he clarified as if it was a piece of cake. "Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin pointed out "Yes, Dustin, I did. And that's why I would be sneaking" he explained again, doing a little walk with his fingers pretending it to be the little sneaking part.

"Mhm, now tell me, Steve... and be honest here have you ever actually won a fight?" you said to him. "Okay, that was one time--" Steve started to talk but you interrupted him "Twice. Remember Jonathan the year prior?" you corrected, a grin in your face. "Listen, that doesn't count" Steve tried to make up an excuse "Why wouldn't it count? He beat the shit out of you, Steve. I saw it with my own eyes. I was there" you reminded him. "Oh, yes I remember that!" Dustin exclaimed and started to count all of the injuries Steve gained in that fight.

While these two were discussing about old fights, you saw and air duct in the room, and got curious. "Hey, where does that vent go?" you asked Robin, and she saw what you were talking about. Her eyes suddenly started to go wide. "That just might work" Robin said before storming out of the room with her bag, her helmet and taking some cash from the tip jar of the ice cream shop. "Robin!" you exclaimed. Steve and Dustin soon realized what was going on out of their argument and followed Robin out along with you.

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