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Will the Wise

We were running down the halls of the school, looking everywhere for Will. But no sight of him. We kept on looking, until you encountered Joyce in one of the halls. "Mrs. Byers?" you questioned. "What's going on? Where is Will?" she asked you, almost desperate. "We don't know" you sighed. "What do you mean you don't know?" she asked you. "The field" Lucas said panting, coming from outside.

We all ran outside. Will could be seen in the middle of the field, frozen and with his eyes closed. Mike was next to him trying to wake him up. "I just found him like this!" Mike told us, still shaking Will. "I think he's having another episode!" he continued.

"Will! Will! Will!" Joyce yelled at him, trying to get any reaction from his son. "Sweetie, wake up! It's Mom! Will!" Joyce continued to shake him up, but it was no use. He didn't moved. "Will, wake up! Can you hear me?" Joyce continued yelling. "Please, wake up! It's Mom! It's me!" she just continued yelling. Until a sudden gasp from Will made us all jump. He opened his eyes wide.

"Oh, thank God!" Joyce exclaimed, now hugging tightly Will. "Jesus" you mumbled. This time it really scared you. You knew Will's episodes were a bad thing, but this? This was something else.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?" Max looked at all of us. "Two episodes in two days." Lucas said, looking at Will leaving with his mom. "It's getting worse." Mike continued. "You think is True sight?" Lucas asked Mike.

"What's True Sight?" Mac asked, looking at Lucas. Mike just shook his head at him, not letting him explain. "It's nothing" he just said.
And so with taht, we all had to leave. And you still had to drive Max home.

"Hop on MadMax" you looked at her, and passed her your helmet. "I'm really going home with you?" she asked, almost in disbelief. "Of course you are. I'm not letting you skate home." you reassured, tapping on the back seat for her to get on. She happily put the helmet you gave her on her head and hop on the back seat of your bike.

During the ride, you remembered how Mike won't let Max know anything about what was going on. And how they just excluded her out of the party. It was unfair how much they invited her in at first, but now, they just kept things from her.

Of course you understood that it was for her own safety, but geez, did they had to be so harsh? You couldn't take it anymore. But you couldn't tell her all the story either. "Is something that can let you see somewhere or someone in the present time but without actually being there" you said bluntly, still looking the road.

"What?" Max said, leaning closer not understanding what you meant. "That's what True Sight is" you explained, your head leaning back, so Max could hear you better. "Why didn't he just say that?" Max complained. "There are some things you might not understand. With Will and with the party. Stuff happened last year that we can't even begin to explain exactly what." you tried the best you could, to let her know that it wasn't because you didn't want to tell her... But it was because you couldn't.

" So, what? Am I supposed to just leave it at that?" she replied, looking around. "Yes" you just said, moving your head to look at her for just a few seconds. Max understood that serious look on your face. The look that says 'you really don't wanna know'. She nodded.

Arriving at her house, you saw Billy's car parked outside. You decided to accompany Max to the door, so their parents wouldn't think she skated here all by herself. "Thank you" Max said, looking back at you "No problem. If Billy ever leaves you behind, let me know and I'll go pick you up." you replied to her with a smile "Not only that but.. About including me. You're the only who has actually cared about me since we arrived here." she looked a bit sad. "Hey, the boys care about you too. They're just... Boys, you know?" you said nudging her arm with your elbow. Max chuckled at your statement. "You're right."

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