so, it has been a while

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as most of you know, I left you hanging with just the Christmas special and I left it there. I am so sorry that I have to come up once again to tell you that I'm not done writing the story. I thought I could keep the promise of finishing the season 3 for the end of 2021 but I was wrong. I didn't have as much free time as I thought I had.

But this is also a reminder that I will continue this story, this is still ongoing I am not stopping till I get to the end of this third season.

Once again I must say thank you so much for all the support, votes, and comments you guys leave. It makes my day and I'm really happy you're enjoying the story so far. Hopefully I can end writing this season soon so I can... start writing season 4 more relaxed :)

YES, yes I have decided that I shall continue writing, I can not just leave you guys with the third season, you deserve the fourth. So you can expect for this season to be ready before Stranger Things season 4 will be released on May 27th.

Thank you for your patience.

the author

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