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The Pollywog

"You're actually thinking of bringing that... thing inside, are you?" you asked to Dustin who was already reaching for the small creature chittering around the trash. "Oh, come on. We can leave the little guy here" Dustin said, giving a sweet smile to whatever the fuck you two had just found in the trash.

"If mom catches you, you're explaining it to her. I'm not, got it?" you said, walking towards the front door turning the key. "Please don't tell on me" Dustin begged you, placing the little creature into a small box that he did for his costume. "Dustin, come on. It's me" you said, looking at him. He just smiled.

You two tip toed into the house. Making sure that "thing" wasn't going to do anything for her to start questioning us. Dustin and I were already making it to our rooms, when your mom stood up from her couch and approached you two. "Dusty, N/N (nickname), how was it?" she asked with a smile.

"Uh, how was what?" you two stammered "" how was what?" The greatest night of the year, of course." she said, with a hand on her hip. "Ah. Yeah, it was.. It was great, I suppose." you said to her "Yeah. It was, uh, tubular" he said. You squinted your eyes at what he said in that last part, but you shrugged it off. "What's wrong with you two?" she asked, sounding concerned. "Nothing" you both said at the same time.

"Did something happen?" she said, now looking at you "No! Huh? Not at all. Everything's fine, mom" you reassured her. "Yeah, everything's fine" Dustin replied as well. "Does it have to do with Barbara?" your mom said. "No, what? Mom. No, I'm fine." you reassured her, again.

Since Barbara's death you had been a little unstable, but it was nothing too serious. Sometimes even your mom would bring her up randomly, asking if you wanted to talk about what happened. But you preferred not to. Your mom had no idea what happened that day, and she was not going to find out. No one was supposed to.

"What about you, Dusty? Are you constipated again?" your mom said, now looking at your brother. "No. Mom!" Dustin whined "Okay, you two are acting weird." she said, suspiciously. "Were not acting weird!" you both said to her, racing a little bit your voice. When all of the sudden, Dustin's box, where the thing from the trash was kept in, started to rumble.

Your mom yelped and Mews hissed at the box. Dustin and you laughed nervously. "Yeah. Really awesome, huh?" you started to think of an excuse "Dustin rigged the trap with a, uh.." you started "A motor! To make it look like I caught a ghost" Dustin said, saving your ass. "Just like in the movie" you finished. "Oh, you two." your mom nervously laughed.

You all just started laughing, trying to pass this awkward moment when you started to covertly pushed Dustin into the hallway that led to both of your rooms. You two got inside of Dustin's room "I told you to keep quiet" Dustin said to the box he was holding in front of him. "You almost get us caught, dipshit!" you yelled in a whisper at your brother. "Shit, I'm sorry!" he yelled as a whispered back at you.

Dustin grabbed his turtle and placed it down to the floor "Sorry, Yertle. Temporary eviction, buddy" Dustin said to his turtle, while he opened the box and let the little creature inside. "What are you little, guy?" Dustin smiled at it. "He's, uh... Kind of cute, I guess..?" you said, crossing your arms. Now taking a good look at what you and your brother found. "Are you hungry?" Dustin asked the little thing inside the cage.

From his candy bag he had from all the trick or treating, he took out a bar of Nougat. "Nougat, really?" you said, not surprised. It was one of the top three candy your brother liked, after all.

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