Baby, It's Cold Outside || Christmas Special

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This story does not affect whatsoever the original story, all the events that happen here are just for this story. The time set for the special is between season 2 and 3.

⚠️WARNING: this chapter includes some spicy content, so if you feel uncomfortable reading it, stop reading when you see the present 🎁, then scroll down until you see the tree 🎄.

So with no further ado, enjoy your Christmas special :)

Ah, Christmas. The most wonderful and joyuos day of the year, or as many people may call it: 'The most expensive time of the year'.

It was the 23rd of December, one day before Christmas. Your mom had gone out to buy some presents for friends of hers and obviously for you and your brother, while you and Dustin decided to go out and see if you could get your mom something for tomorrow.
Which wasn't really that difficult, due to the fact that your mom liked basically anything that was related to cats or fancy vases.

"How about this one?" Dustin asked, pointing at a vase from the shelf. "I thought she already had that one?" you said looking at vase your brother was pointing at. "Damn. Hey, do you think mom will turn out to be a crazy old cat lady when we grow up?" Dustin questioned, now you two moving on to the next isle.

"Unfortunately, it looks like it" you replied to him. You stopped in front of one of the shelfs from the isle you two were in to check a vase that caught your attention. "Talking about cats.. what do you think of this one?" you said slightly pointing at it. Dustin snickered "Perfect".

Done and done. You payed at the cashier and you were ready to go to buy some other presents for your friends, and well, to Steve.
You thought about how this was the first Christmas you had with Steve since you realized you had feelings for him.

From time to time he would go through your mind and completely zone you out. Those you could drown in, the way he talked to you, that amazing hair, how much he had changed, and that thanks to you.

While you were busy day dreaming about Steve, Dustin was trying to get you out of trance. "Y/n. Y/n. Y/n!" Dustin called out loudly. "What? Yeah, what, what is it?" you said quickly after zoning out. "You have been doing that since the winter ball, are you okay?" Dustin asked, not knowing if he was worried or curious.

"Yes, of course I'm fine" you said with a smile. "Mhm" Dustin replied, unsure of your answer. "Anyway, I want to go buy some gifts for the guys. I'll see you later" Dustin said and started to run off to the comic book store "Meet me at Mrs. Byers's store when you're done!" you yelled, trying to make sure he heard you. The thumbs up he gave was already enough to make sure of that.

While on your way to go buy a gift for Nancy, you were so focused on the list you had made of names of people you wanted to buy gifts for, you didn't realized you bumped into someone. "Sorry, sir" you said instantly until realizing just with who you encountered yourself with. "Y/n, hey" Steve said with a warm smile. "Steve, hi" you replied, giving back the smile. "What are you doing here?" he asked, to which you showed your list "Christmas shopping. You?" you asked now "Uh.. Well.. I-- yeah, same" he said, almost as if he was coming up with it.

"Also, really quick question, are you free tonight, maybe?" he said, slightly adverting his eyes from yours. "Tonight.. I think yeah, why?" you asked, your curiosity growing. "Well, my parents are having this dumb Christmas party tonight at my house... And I was wondering if you.. if you had the time to go?" Steve asked, his hand going through his hair. It almost looked as if he was.. nervous?

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